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Em 18/02/2016 at 16:35, VinixD disse:

Aqui na minha cidade está aparecendo uns par desse naipe! asoiuasdioasd






Aqui também. E é engraçado, porque os caras parecem que saíram de uma fábrica, tipo aquele padrão feminino cabelo comprido, coxa e bunda absurdas de grande, maquiagem e IPhone. Originalidade 0.


Em 18/02/2016 at 18:30, Fabricius disse:

Foi até bom, pois tinha uma imagem que achei no blog que eu estava procurando há tempos para mostrar aqui para a galera:




Aí vai de mindset para mindset, como diz o RSD Julien nos vídeos que o planeta postou há umas páginas atrás. Comporte-se como vendedor (tentando se mostrar suficiente, de uma posição inferior) ou como comprador (avaliando o que há por aí, de uma posição superior) e será tratado congruentemente. Falta orgulho para a maioria dos homens, essa é a real.



Já postei isso aqui, eu acho, mas vale a pena repostar. 







A whole lot of wanna-be Players, Pick Up Artists ('PUAs'), and Seducers out there have been rushing into the scene in the last year or so, since The Game was released on the unsuspecting public...

It's tragic to watch as these new entrants into our wonderful Game, instead of ACTUALLY becoming Players, become 'Playas'; instead of Pick Up Artists, they become 'Pick Up Technique Zealots' ('PUTZs'); and instead of becoming Seducers, they become 'Womanizers'.

Ironically, although The Game is CLEARLY a condemnation of the jejune and hollow lives of most of its participants, an amazing number of people appear to have missed this message, instead only being intrigued by the notion of getting laid by hotter/more/any women.

In an effort to prevent spiritual and psychological decay amongst the people whom this community most stands to serve, I am going to attempt to frame things in such a way as to help neophytes and experienced participants alike to evolve into this gradually, rather than rushing in like proverbial fools.

Here goes:

"Inner Game" is a convenient euphemism for having a "Satisfied Sense-of-Self". The more richly developed you are AS A PERSON, the less crafty and manipulative you need to be as a Player, and the less you need to justify that you DESERVE the playboy lifestyle you have chosen.

Once you wrap your mind around this, everything falls into place: Inner Game isn't something you get taught, it isn't something you study - it's something you must EARN!

The irony is, ONLY YOU can award it to yourself.

This Self-Confidence is like Freedom: You must EARN it - it can't be bought, borrowed, or stolen, nor can it be given away.
(When Freedom is GIVEN to you, that's ACTUALLY abandonment. Think about it!) 

By earning your OWN respect, and satisfying yourself that you are becoming more fully-realized with each new experience you have, you begin TRULY to like yourself.

We're all looking to live as playboys, but there is nothing innately positive about the 'worthless playboy' stereotype. Oh, it LOOKS like fun, but it's empty and shallow... 

The paradigm I recommend alternatively is "Worthy Playboy" and I elaborate on it further now:

To become a 'Worthy Playboy' you must develop yourself as a Renaissance Man; you should endeavour to gain a broad-base of knowledge in areas you believe people who'd interest you will be versed. This will help you to remain interesting to them also; as being interesting is INFINITELY more attractive than being 'impressive'.

As a Worthy Playboy, you should be comfortable and confident enough to carry on conversations with women on subjects you have historically known nothing about, by candidly and sincerely encouraging them to share THEIR insights with you.
NEVER FORGET: Everyone's favourite subject is themselves, and NOTHING makes you more attractive to another person than being INTERESTED in what they have to say. This works for men and women alike - but women are far more impressed when they receive this attention from men (since most men are usually too arrogant to concede they might not know everything... Schmucks.)

A Worthy Playboy is never ashamed of NOT KNOWING, because A) no one can know everything, and B) women will be DELIGHTED that their knowing something you don't isn't intimidating to you - and they will be flattered that you're man-enough to let them teach something to you. 
"Know Thyself" said The Oracle, and that was profound advice - FOR SELF-DECEPTION IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. 

Introspectively interrogate yourself to discover WHO YOU ARE as you develop - to ensure you haven't lost sight of yourself.

Once you KNOW who you are, you'll know what you'll do. 

IF YOU ONLY DO THE THINGS WHICH MAKE SENSE TO YOU, in which you find yourself BOTH cerebrally and emotionally settled, and where your conscience is unperturbed, YOU'LL BE ACTING WITH 'REASONED CONFIDENCE'. 

This is the rational way of leading your life - by following these internal guidlelines, you'll NEVER have reason for regret, and no justification for embarrassment, EVEN if things don't work out immediately! (In such cases, dispassionately step back from the experience, return to the plan to see whether the problem was situational or persistant, and modify as-necessary before trying again.)

By proceeding ONLY with Reasoned Confidence, the only guilt you need EVER feel is the guilt of letting yourself down; the ONLY embarrassment, the embarrassment of making the same mistakes over again; the ONLY regret, the regret of not having come to this epiphany earlier.

Promise yourself regularily, "I will never do anything I wouldn't do" - and keep that promise faithfully - your internal consistency and congruency depends on it. Your ethical system should NOT have a 'margin release key' - that is the road to conscious hypocrisy (See "Self-Deception" above) and is nothing less than personal treason.

Explore your world - expand your horizons, develop new friendships with people of high integrity and ethics, and remain true to yourself and your word. Your relationships and your reputation are your strongest weapons in the battle against psychological misery and emotional defeat - make certain they are solid, just, and dependable as best you can.

As you progess, you will become comfortable that ANY PERSON (man or woman) with whom you interact will feel and be better-off for knowing you [even if it's simply because you proved to them that GOOD MEN still exist, and find THEM interesting] and that they will feel better about themselves because they've spent time with you.

What could be a more-attractive attribute to have?

Most of all, YOU MUST BECOME SELF-ACTUALIZED - in other words, you need to find your comfort with yourself based on your confidently and successfully following your own path, and NOT narcissistically through the approval of others. 

Permitting yourself to be held-back from progressing because you fear the disapproval of people you don't admire is MADNESS! 

Lead your own life, and conscientiously ensure you make all your descisions with Reasoned Confidence, and when you are met with disapproving or taunting jibes from 'the peanut gallery' just take note of it - then 

DO AS YOU WILL, and watch as your detractors become your admirers. There's no arguing with success.

Good luck to you all,

I hope you find value in this.

Johnny Soporno





Editado por Aroma

velho é normal um adolescente de 16 anos ter testo em 938 ng/dl e dht 130pg/ml fiz exame 6 meses atras e tinha dado proximo á isso tbm , tem como aumentar o dht? eu n tenho nenhum fiapo na cara e pelos nas axilas começaram a crescer fazem 3 meses , pf alguem mais experiente me responde ai ...

Postado (editado)

Seres humanos não inventaram a masturbação...Temos esse impulso porque o herdamos de nossos antepassados,os primeiros mamíferos e répteis.

Editado por Faabs

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