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4 horas atrás, planeta disse:


Verdade, se homem oferece namoro  antes de ela estar desesperada pra isso, deserto do Saara


Vc que fez a frase em inglês ou tem um artigo disso??


O tempo todo tem informações erradas nos bombardeando em filmes, séries, novelas e até desenhos... matrix


É sempre bom estar lendo bons artigos pra balancear

estou ficando com uma garota, hoje ela me chamou pra conversar e disse que não queria esse lance de só ficar, e que eu havia "deixado claro" que não queria namorar (não quero mesmo, não por agora). 

essa menina é uma ex namorada minha e eu não queria parar de ficar com ela e tal. 

alguém já passou por isso ? 
o que fariam nessa situação ? 


51 minutos atrás, Paradise018 disse:

estou ficando com uma garota, hoje ela me chamou pra conversar e disse que não queria esse lance de só ficar, e que eu havia "deixado claro" que não queria namorar (não quero mesmo, não por agora). 

essa menina é uma ex namorada minha e eu não queria parar de ficar com ela e tal. 

alguém já passou por isso ? 
o que fariam nessa situação ? 


Uai, se ela disse que quer namorar, e você disse que quer ficar solteiro, o que há a se fazer nesse caso?

Ou você muda de ideia e assume o namoro, ou então esquece essa guria e deixa ela arrumar um namorado.

Esse tempo que você passa com ela pode parecer bom e tudo, mas na verdade você só tá iludindo ela e iludindo a si mesmo. Enquanto você perde seu tempo com ela, tem outras garotas com as quais você poderia estar ficando e curtindo, enquanto que sua ex, da mesma forma, se priva de encontrar um cara bacana pra namorar porque fica perdendo tempo com uma pessoa que não vai assumir compromisso.

Postado (editado)
2 horas atrás, Paradise018 disse:

o que fariam nessa situação ?


Mano, tu não quer namorar ta aí a resposta, faz outras frentes cara, conhece outras.


Mas ela é tua ex e quer namorar contigo, você não quer namorar com ela de novo, então pra que ficar pegando ela?


Ex é passado, se tu não quer voltar com ela segue a vida


Se tu quer continuar ficando com ela é porque tem medo de perder ela pra outro e se arrepender, então veja bem o que quer.

Editado por Julio Weiguert


Posted on July 18, 2016 by Charles Sledge
How Betas Make Game Even More Effective by Charles Sledge

So first off what is a beta? A beta is a man who makes up the majority of men. He is the bottom part of the sexual pyramid and most men have at one point in time been beta themselves. These are men who are desperate and believe that women have all the power. The cultural and societal narrative reinforces men to be beta by worshiping and pedestalizing women. These men are taught that women are above them and and are desperate for women. Yet women do not want them in return.

Like I said before these men make up the majority and it can be hard for someone to break out of the beta and into the alpha. The top part of the sexual pyramid. The twenty percent of men who sleep with eighty percent of women. Beta men because they make up the majority are going to be on average the type of men that women interact with. The majority of their socialization in regards to men is going to be with beta men.

This means the majority of their social interactions with men are going to be with guys who let them walk over all them, who worship them, who fawn over them, who over them compliment after compliment, and who will never try to get sexual or do so awkwardly. Multiply this times one hundred when a woman is on social media and in today’s day and age what woman isn’t?


So many of these women’s egos are hyperinflated to the point that they think they are God’s gift to earth. While when a guy thinks this it makes him more attractive to women, it doesn’t work the same when a woman thinks this way. Yet many women do. So legion upon legion of guys hit on her, buy her things, and tell her how she so amazing and great. Etc. etc. and women (being attention whores) soak it all in while feigning just enough interest to keep the poor betas strung along on her ego trip.

So a pudgy woman with a bitchy attitude could have a guy come up to her say with good looks and lots of money (because that’s what most people wrongly think attracts women) and she’ll expect him to worship her. This guy is going to be blown away especially if he was looking for an easy lay only to find out he’s getting rejected by girls he thought would the easiest.

You see this a lot with guys who have the two traits listed above. Good looks and/or money. They think alright now that I’ve spent all that time at the job/gym women will love me. What they don’t realize is that if they don’t kill the beta mindset they will always be beta and therefore women will at best use them. The rich for money and the good looking guys to show off to her friends as a status symbol. While cheating on them both with a bad boy but that’s a discussion for another time.

Resetting The Market

This is why things like putting a woman in her place and “insulting” her is so attractive to her. Women deep down are aware of their inherent worth. Which is why they are so insecure. They know the reality of it but most men (aka betas) don’t. When you put them in their place they are put at their real value, where they want to be. But a man needs to put them there.

Women don’t want to be worshiped. Sure they might tell you they do and some may even think that but it is not what they actually respond to. Women want men to look up to, not little boys who fawn over them. And never have there been more little boys in society (betas) and less men (alphas). Being a man doesn’t have to do with being a certain age or certain strength level. It has to do with deeper qualities not physical ones.

So when these men worship and dolt on women who hate it, yet take it and end up unfulfilled and hating their life, meet a real man everything changes. When a guy puts her in her place, teases and insults her, and is dominant she can’t help but respond with attraction. And this is in a normal market. In a beta filled market this dynamic works even better. Betas make it even easier for alphas. Boys make men stand out even more than they would already (which is a lot).


Be masculine and know game. These two things essentially go hand in hand and being masculine you will treat women with game so to speak. Don’t waste your time with women who aren’t worth it (and most women aren’t). Always understand that you are at the top of the pyramid. When you see a woman with a bitchy or stuck up attitude (which shouldn’t be hard to find in Western society) put her in her place. Insult her and call her out on her B.S., she’ll love and worship you for it.

The masculine wasn’t created to worship and adore the feminine, it’s the other way around. The masculine was made to be a creator and have a mission. When males fulfill the role of feminine it makes women sick even though in their heads they might think they want it and they’ll definitely say they do. But they don’t. Remember this is a huge discrepancy between what women say and what women do. As a man whenever you are in doubt choose the bolder option and you’ll do good. Also being beta has nothing to do with how you look or how much money you make but everything to do with who you are.

Postado (editado)

Alguém tem esses pdf ?


Donovan's - way of man


Sledge's - the primer

Editado por planeta
8 horas atrás, planeta disse:

Alguém tem esses pdf ?


Donovan's - way of man


Sledge's - the primer


Eu tenho o way of man traduzido, mas acha fácil na NET.


Sobre a outra pergunta, se foi eu quem bolei a frase, não, é do Bob Rio, vi num canal dele, alguma coisa parecida com "be the badass". Bons vídeos no canal.





Uma coisa que percebi é quando to meio fraco emocionalmente, eu tava essa semana,


Só ler uns artigos bons de masculinidade que até eleva a testo


To voando hoje, e 


Não sei se fica na aura tbm ou só na linguagem corporal,,mas hoje fui muito secado já kkk

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