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11 horas atrás, liondelic disse:

Cada um com seus princípios, mas quem tem as bolas carregadas de testo dificilmente pensa 2 vezes antes de enrabar alguma mina, estando com a bucetinha limpa e o cangote cheiroso é o que vale - e um pouco de álcool na mente pra dar aquela desbaratinada pro ego.

Pra quem é muleque novo já disse uma vez: se ficarem nessa de seletivão foderoso vão passar vergonha, vão foder mal pra caralho, não vão fazer a mulher gozar e pior, quando finalmente pegarem uma ''top'' vão gozar antes da mina começar a lubrificar.

E não vem com papo de que SÓ COME MULHER GATA porque essa não cola, quem come bem o ano todo é rico que tem dinheiro pra pagar puta boa toda semana.

Teve uma época que eu trabalhei numa empresa de manutenção dessas máquinas de recarga de bilhete único aqui em sp! Meu apelido lá era São Jorge o matador de dragões! Melhor época sexual da minha vida, só perde pra quando fui embora de Minas Gerais para o nordeste, que aew eu escolhia a mulher q eu ia ficar!

O barato é botar pra dentro mesmo sem dó, tenho um amigo q falava uma parada q hj em dia eu boto muita fé, esse papinho de só pegar mulher gata só rola enquanto vc ainda consegue contar nos dedos da mão depois disso tu percebe q até o cheiro do bacalhau azedo é o mesmo!


Remember: You're Not Supposed to Wake Up (self.TheRedPill)

submitted 14 hours ago * by LegendaryPeace


The common notion that nothing like 'the Matrix' exists in real life is a serious barrier-to-entry for Red Pill wisdom.

"So you're telling me evil conspirators sit around in smoke-filled rooms and plot to dumb down Western men? Give me a break."

This type of straw man argument is a popular first-line of defense for Blue Pillers who encounter new or troubling information for the first time. Generally, you cannot wake up Blue Pilled men (and shouldn't waste time trying to do so.) People need to find TRP on their own. After all, much of what we talk about here at TRP is pretty obvious/rational.

Statements like:

The media is controlled and has an agenda that is harmful to large segments of the population (and especially men)

At first might seem revolutionary. Upon seeing this part of the 'matrix,' you might be inclined to make an angry Facebook post, or to send a blog post about feminist movies to your buddy. This is all well and good, though eventually you will calm down and may find yourself thinking one day: Wow, how did I used to believe that privately owned news conglomerates (who are beholden to parent companies, advertisers, and the government) look out for my best interests? Damn I was a chump.

Then you do a little more research, and realize that:

-Market forces make pandering to the lowest-common-denominator the rational economic choice for all news stations

-6 corporations now control 90% of U.S. Media (compared to 50 in 1983)

-Interlocking boards of directorate exist (i.e. individuals sit on multiple corporate boards at the same time. All the big media companies are interlocked with "banks, investment companies, oil companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies...," leading to de facto censorship of certain issues.)

-As the NY Times told us, military analysts on television are often on assignment from the Pentagon

-The White House can punish news channels for unflattering stories by denying access to presidential news conferences or giving important scoops to other channels, etc.

-A decades-old ban on domestic propaganda was lifted in 2013, making it legal for the government to broadcast propaganda in this country (source: Foreign Policy magazine...this has been widely reported on.)

-The CIA has a long history of planting and/or paying journalists

How could television news not be propaganda? It's quite irrational to think otherwise, in my opinion. There are too many overlapping interests and too much money at stake to suggest that non-propaganda has any chance of being aired. Also, what's most efficient and profitable economically usually doesn't lead to the enlightenment of your Average Joe - this goes without saying.

I could produce a similar list for Hollywood movies. Just off the top of my head:

-Studios work with investment banks to secure financing

-Hollywood works with the Pentagon when they need to acquire military equipment. In exchange for free stuff, the Pentagon gets to review the script.

-Also, the Pentagon just reviews most scripts. (Article)

-Movies are made by private companies that are owned by parent organizations who aren't going to produce movies that harm their other businesses

I could keep going, but the point here is that when we say the mainstream media is propaganda, we are stating a self-evident fact. Of course there's a 'matrix' of private individuals pushing their own mutual interests with little regard for the average Joe's opinion.

OK, but How Does this Apply to the Blue Pill and Sexual Strategy?

Blue Pill conditioning - the idea that many men download limiting, harmful, or downright incorrect beliefs - has existed throughout history. The Romans were rather genius in their spreading of the Blue Pill to conquered territories, but that's for another post.

At the most basic level, how do 20% of men manage to monopolize 80% of women? And how do the top 20% of Americans control 85% of the country's wealth? In both scenarios the 'masses' have massive numerical superiority over the 'elites' - why not revolt? Or, at least wisen up to what's going on?

For readers new to TRP, perhaps now you are starting to see the basis for Blue Pill. I hesitate to call it 'mind control,' since that term seems to be associated with schizophrenics, but of course the 'owners' of any social system must use strategies to control the herd. Hell, this might not even be bad - social order is preferable to pure anarchy, but it behooves all of us to become aware that these strategies exist.

As I sought to demonstrate with my media examples above, Blue Pill needn't be advanced by a secret cabal of evil doers (though, those do exist to some extent.) Rather, Blue Pill is best conceptualized as a semi-autonomous virus that takes hold in social systems, often for apparently logical reasons like the need for social order, economic efficiency, etc.

If you are not a clear member of the 20%, please understand that no one wants you to wake up and realize what's going on. That would be inefficient and usually just isn't worth the hassle. Indeed, it's often slightly better for those around you if you remain beta. It's one less guy to compete against for women, and (from the girl's point-of-view) one more beta who will provide access to resources in exchange for occasional sex.

Additionally, from society's point-of-view, what's the point of waking up a beta? What, are you going to mentor some poor guy for the next ten years (yes, it can take that long to deprogram) and explain to him that his father wasn't the best role model and that women are repulsed by his favorite gamer shirt? Who wants to do that? I cringe just thinking about it. No, TRP is an individual pursuit - it's something you wake up to on your own. Why? Because no one can give you freedom - you must take it. Be a man!

Em 26/03/2016 at 13:00, Brachio disse:


Obrigado. Não, nem namoramos, mas ja tivemos uns rolos no passado. A gente tava indo devagar, e não queriamos que um filho nos obrigasse a namorar/casar assim...


Ela tomou a pílula do dia seguinte mas aparentemente não surtiu efeito, acontece.

ou ela nem tomou,,,  vc nunca vai saber ahhaha

5 horas atrás, Francisco Wendemberg disse:

até o cheiro do bacalhau azedo é o mesmo!

Sem contar que tem muita patrícia princesinha que fode mal pra caralho, n sabe posição, n sabe mexer o quadril, tem nojinho de chupar o cara - manda rapidão pra ir logo pra penetração ou receber - em contramão muito mina meia boca que mete até bater na garganta e pede pra empurrar as bolas, chupa com vontade, tu vê no olhar da safada que ela tá se divertindo, isso sim esquenta o ambiente, porque depois é recíproco.


vai qto quiser  no puteiro, só não se vicie nemm se apegue a uma puta hahah












Body (physical) workout
Mind (intellect) invent
Emotion (feel) socialise
  tidy space
Spirit (purpose) goals
Social (interact) friends
Material (posess) saving

Concordo que seletividade excessiva seja prejudicial (principalmente na adolescência), mas descordo que seja necessário comer ou chegar numa mina feia/mediana pra conseguir ter sucesso com uma gata. Pra mim, esse pensamento é auto limitante demais e ilide a auto estima da pessoa, por que aí vai ser aquele lance: o cara vê a HB9 ao alcance dele, mas não chega nela pq o máximo que já pegou na vida foi uma HB6. Pra pegar a HB9 vc tem que estar acostumado a interagir com mulheres desse nível, e não acostumado a pegar mulheres de níveis inferiores. Com o tempo você aprende a relaxar e a se soltar mais, e ai sim vai começar a pegar mulheres de nível mais alto.


*BTW, não gosto de ficar nivelando a beleza das mulheres com números, até pq isso é escroto pra krl, mas acho que não tem outra forma de explicar o raciocínio sem recorrer a essas categorizações.

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