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malandro esse cara é engraçado demais to vendo uns videos em sequencia to quase morrendo, o primeiro é ssó uma entrevista o segundo video é stand up comedy






Editado por planeta
Postado (editado)
1 hora atrás, Big Greg disse:

Cara no meu curso de ADM tenho todas essas cadeiras que citaste, incluindo direito tributário e trabalhista, ou seja, pra quem quer empreender também é bom...


Mas como o @Alecas comentou se quiser empreender não precisa de faculdade, porém uma base sempre é muito válido...


Enfim, segue o jogo...


Eu sei que tem, os curso de ADM e Contábeis convergem em muitos pontos.


Com a exceção do fundamental, que são as técnicas contábeis. Enquanto administradores aprendem a ler balanços, contadores aprendem a organizar, planejar e coordenar tudo que diz respeito ao financeiro da empresa.





Sobre o lance de não ter valor aparente e ainda assim conseguir mulheres (e sobre momentos de evolução), recomendo muito essa palestra, em especial dos 9:38 até os 21:42, em que o Marshall conta como conheceu uma russa gostosíssima, em um escritório de seguro-desemprego da vida, obviamente desempregado, vestido igual um imbecil, sem confiança nenhuma de que lidaria com ela e acabou comendo.




"The only time when you can really shift a behaviour and have a breakthrough is at the moment when the old behaviour reaches it's peak."




Esse cara é muito bom mesmo, planeta. Lembro quando eu vi esse aqui a primeira vez, me mijava de rir.









Editado por Aroma
4 horas atrás, Faabs disse:

Alguem sabe um bom livro sobre engenharia social?

Já li a arte de enganar, é muito bom... mas a arma mais objetiva e simples de engenharia social que já descobri foi um artigo do wikipédia:


Artigo falácia no Wikipédia


Estudando categoria por categoria, você aprende como usar para destruir argumentos e manipular os outros.



Assim, sob qualquer ângulo que se esteja situado para considerar esta questão, chega-se ao mesmo resultado execrável: o governo da imensa maioria das massas populares se faz por uma minoria privilegiada. Essa minoria, porém, dizem os marxistas, compor-se-á de operários. Sim, com certeza, de antigos operários, mas que, tão logo se tornem governantes ou representantes do povo, cessarão de ser operários e pôr-se-ão a observar o mundo proletário de cima do Estado; não mais representarão o povo, mas a si mesmos e suas pretensões de governá-lo. Quem duvida disso não conhece a natureza humana.


Filosofo russo dos anos 1800 falou isso.. tenso saber que nos dias de hoje ainda é valido..

Postado (editado)
14 horas atrás, duh_prada disse:

Bom, meu pai tem empresa, eu fiz 2 anos de um curso de negócios e agora faço direito, e pelo que ja vi sobre as dificuldades que mei pai teve na empresa, um curso de direito cairia muito melhor pra ele do que um de administração. Ainda mais no Brasil onde a tributação é ridiculamente alta, vc entendendo de direito tributário ja vai te ajudar pra caralho. Isso sem contar os direitos trabalhistas, a parte de dto civil sobre contratos, clausulas..


Enfim, pela minha experiencia com um pai empresario, tendo cursado as 2 areas, afirmo que direito é mais útil pra se ter uma empresa hoje em dia.. (isso é claro contando que vc seja um cara com espirito empreendor ja e tal, não to querendo dizer que um advogado q nao tem vocação nenhuma pra ser empresario vai sair de um curso de direito e vai abrir uma empresa..)



Não tem como comparar um curso de direito com um de Adm se seu pai tem uma empresa o curso de ADM é 100% melhor, na minha opinião.


O curso de ADM pode ser superficial ver um pouco de cada área , mas você ver e enxerga varias coisas e aprende muito tanto para uma grande empresa como uma pequena empresa.


Meu objetivo como  empresário e empreendedor   é crescer a empresar , faturar cada vez mais gastando menos ,organizar a empresa e muitas outras coisas que são bem uteis ,e no curso de ADM vc aprende sobre direito tributário , contabilidade  e etc.. coisas que já da pra você ter uma noção.  


O tempo que eu gasto ganhando dinheiro em uma empresa é muito mais útil do que o tempo que vou gastar com causas trabalhistas , tributos e etc..


Na minha opinião , não acho que tenha o mínimo de comparação entre um e outro, mas é apenas a minha opinião, se você acha que direito vai lhe ajudar a melhorar uma empresa , vai nessa, cada um faz o que gosta . 

Editado por Bunitinhu89

Red Pill TheoryThe Guide to Accepting Yourself (even when women don't) (self.TheRedPill)

submitted 1 ano ago by [deleted]

Recently someone here posted about how women define "average" in astronomical terms, based on some bullshit a girl said while shit testing him. Most of the responses didn't understand that he was being tested because most of the commenters aren't ok with themselves at all.

Quick Method

Know all those dating apps and sites you use? Know how you like to finely craft introductions designed to make the woman see you in a favorable light?

Don't do that.

Send any one of these messages that say, "I love me and I don't care if you do."

1 - "Boners."

2 - "Super boners."

3 - "I'm going to be playing video games all week but you can come over this weekend and do my laundry."

4 - "Do you ever get those crusties in your asshole and pick them out in the shower?"

5 - "Want to help me practice for my driver's exam? The police said I can finally get my license."

These messages are not meant to get you a woman. The responses you receive (you will get responses) will show you how much better this type of "who really fucking cares right?" attitude matches up against, "Oh god oh god oh god I'd better say the right thing."

And that leads us to today's lesson:

You don't matter that much.

Sorry, but if the fate of the world rested on your shoulders we'd all be fucked. You're reading how-to guides about becoming ok with yourself. So really you don't matter that fucking much.

And that's fine! That's preferable. It takes pressure off your shoulders. You can walk into a bar and tell a girl that you're a martian whose pants will explode at midnight unless an earth girl removes them with her teeth. Guess what? No one will care! Tomorrow CNN will run a headline about ISIS feeding babies to elephants and your pickup line will become just another blip in the endless history of the universe.

  • Corollary - Women will try to make you think that you should matter a whole lot. They'll tease you and ask you why you're not a buff macho kingpin or why you don't own 10 businesses and a thousand dogs. The important thing to notice here is:

That's what they say, not what they think.

Most women wouldn't give ten shits about your income or dog breeding knowledge if you are ok enough with yourself to show them a good time. Confidence does not come to you by knowing that you're big stuff and that you're a huge valuable part of society. If it did, hardly anyone would be confident because hardly anyone actually matters that much.

Confidence comes with knowing that you don't matter that much and that other people really don't either, women included. So if it's not that big of a deal, what do you have to lose?


Little people often have big pride.

It helps them not feel little. It's a defense mechanism. Being defensive is itself a small and impotent thing to do.

Pride weighs a lot. It's one of the biggest forms of baggage and some of you have been feeling it in your chest for years without realizing it. It comes in the form of thoughts like, "What am I going to be doing a year from now? Two years from now? If all my dreams aren't coming true, I'm a worthless piece of shit."

Or, "I need the perfect body, most money, and biggest adventures or I'll be a drain on humanity, just another turd in the bucket."

Or, "If I don't bang every hot chick and turn into a fuck stud of epic proportions, I'm just another waste of space."

Guess what?

People who don't care if they get ass...get more ass than you.

People with shitty bodies who don't give a fuck...get more ass than you.

People who have zero ambition and are ok with that...get more ass than you.

If it is truly your ambition in life to become something great, then you will follow that ambition no matter what. You won't dither about it. You won't get confused and wonder if you're doing the right thing. You definitely won't beat yourself up about not doing it.

So if you're an ambitionless ham planet and you absolutely love your life, there's no reason to qualify yourself to women ever.

If you're a healthy cut millionaire and you hate your life, well I can't help you with that. .0001% problems.

So make a list of the shit you love about yourself that women would call "immature" or "irresponsible" and then realize that shit is all in your head. Almost anything you do (short of rape and murder) can be awesome and praiseworthy if you love doing it and you're solid about that to the core.

Women will prod at you all day and shit test, saying, "Well a mature real man is like this," or, "I can only be with a man who blah blah blah." If you aren't ok with yourself, you'll cave to this type of bullshit instantly. If you're fully ok with yourself, you'll laugh it off and continue on being you.

Remember this:

There are no rules for life other than eat, sleep, breathe, and survive. The rest is completely made up. Clothes? Optional. Words? Optional. Bathing? Optional. Dating? Made up. Relationship standards? Fiction. Breeding? Unnecessary.

You could wake up tomorrow and pretend you're an African prince who has to drive backwards to work or else the mafia will come and steal your asshole. And that would make only marginally less sense than people driving to the same workplace every day to get money to pay for a piece of the planet they were born on which can be taken away by a group of people in a big building with giant metal rooms full of green paper.

So you don't matter that much and life is ridiculous. You couldn't possibly make life any more ridiculous than it already is. So don't go around acting like every little action matters.

Accept yourself.

all 196 comments
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[–]JovianTrainWreck 110 pontos 1 ano ago 

Pride weighs a lot. It's one of the biggest forms of baggage and some of you have been feeling it in your chest for years without realizing it. It comes in the form of thoughts like, "What am I going to be doing a year from now? Two years from now? If all my dreams aren't coming true, I'm a worthless piece of shit."

Pride often comes with a side order of a gallon-sized bottle of hard liquor and angst. This is one of my favorite posts of all time. The bit about little people and pride was a nice touch, it's easy to say that the people who shat on you in the past were just little people, but you articulated it in a way that really resonates. This isn't the first time the subject of pride-addled petty assholes was addressed recently, but you really drove it home.

I don't matter and I'm cool with that.


[–]Cryocasm 24 pontos 1 ano ago 

I don't matter and I'm cool with that.

The frame you construct out of this is so fucking rock solid that you begin mattering without affecting or realizing it.

The weeks after I decided to quit the nice guy act in lieu of MGTOW and general idgaf attitude I quickly saw myselfmattering more than I did before. The concept, alien at the time, is now fully understood.

I still think I'm just a regular buck ass nigga. It's this frame and attitude that's actually gotten me way further than any other frame or attitude.


[–]GuidoBandito 9 pontos 1 ano ago 

While not a "buck ass nigga", I'm still trying to tell myself it's ok to be who I am and that I deserve the best life can throw at me. I hope the best for you on your journey...


[–]Cryocasm 11 pontos 1 ano ago 

I used it more as an expression to emphasize my point.

Objectively, I am a semi-affluent average caucasian male.

Being OK with myself has more to do with sizing my ego into "my size". Obviously if I change my size my ego changes.

Just think about if you wear shitty clothes, people will think your ego is way out of proportion. If you wear a sharp suit and have a fresh cut, people will almost expect your ego to be fucking big.




[–][excluído] 1 ano ago* 



[–]mandemscomin 2 pontos 11 meses ago 

...just trying to do the right thing. But two weeks later he killed her. Of course. Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender. We got there, there was so much blood you could taste the metal. The moral of the story is: I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures, Walter.

I did exactly what you did and tried to resist "you don't matter that much" by saying "almost". Well, after about six months of that I'm still in the same boat as before. You just can't change unless you actually, genuinelychange something about yourself.

The point is you'll never truly appreciate the value of "you don't matter that much" until you embrace it wholeheartedly.



[–]Do not send modmail to my personal inboxCrazyHorseInvincible[M] 145 pontos 1 ano ago 

To succeed, you must be willing to fail again and again. To be willing to fail again and again, give less fucks.

Delta point awarded.

Post sidebarred.



[–]Meristry 205 pontos 1 ano ago* 

This hits home. Hard.

All my life, I've wanted to become some sort of new epitome of mankind. Boatloads of money, the hottest women, kick-ass career, you name it. I wanted it all.

There is nothing wrong with that, but there certainly is something wrong with the incentive I've been waking up for: I didn't want to reach those goals to become a better version of myself, to grow as a person, but, and you've absolutely hit the nail on the head, to receive validation from others. I've been having dreams in which I win the lottery and all the social acceptance that ships with it. I now realize how sick that is.

Your post has shown me that I really have a long way to go. Not because my ego is too small, but because it's too damn big. Thank you.


[–]Casanova-Quinn 117 pontos 1 ano ago 

Not because my ego is too small, but because its too damn big.

This reminds me of the perspective change I had about "shy" people.

The common perception is shy people have small egos, but it's really the opposite. Shy people are so concerned with their "image" they present to others, that they act "shy" because of a fear of judgement. It's sad really, because shy people are literally policing themselves on what they can or can't do, based on a made up perception of what others are thinking.


[–]ProductivityMonster 12 pontos 1 ano ago* 

this hits home. I was always like this, but I've gotten over myself somewhat recently through constantly forcing myself into social interactions, no matter how much I didn't want to do it. It even bled over into my productivity because I was such a perfectionist, I never wanted to hand the project in leading to a lot of late projects (or sometimes I would start late on a hard project if I thought I would suck at it so I could give myself the psychological excuse that it was the lateness and not my lack of ability for handing in a sub-par project). Fortunately, B-school beat this out of me. Lose the ego/rose colored glasses and build yourself up from reality is a main TRP message.

olá, sou um marciano e minha cabeça vai explodir se uma terraquea não tirar minha roupa até meia noite

3 horas atrás, Bunitinhu89 disse:



Não tem como comparar um curso de direito com um de Adm se seu pai tem uma empresa o curso de ADM é 100% melhor, na minha opinião.


O curso de ADM pode ser superficial ver um pouco de cada área , mas você ver e enxerga varias coisas e aprende muito tanto para uma grande empresa como uma pequena empresa.


Meu objetivo como  empresário e empreendedor   é crescer a empresar , faturar cada vez mais gastando menos ,organizar a empresa e muitas outras coisas que são bem uteis ,e no curso de ADM vc aprende sobre direito tributário , contabilidade  e etc.. coisas que já da pra você ter uma noção.  


O tempo que eu gasto ganhando dinheiro em uma empresa é muito mais útil do que o tempo que vou gastar com causas trabalhistas , tributos e etc..


Na minha opinião , não acho que tenha o mínimo de comparação entre um e outro, mas é apenas a minha opinião, se você acha que direito vai lhe ajudar a melhorar uma empresa , vai nessa, cada um faz o que gosta . 


Sei lá, minha opinião talvez seja meio deturpada pq eu sempre vivi em uma casa com um pai que é empresario, então pra mim os conhecimentos do curso de adm ja eram coisas que eu tinha como 'normal', essa visão de negocios que é passado no curso, sempre tive em casa, vai ver é por isso que achei meio inútil..

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