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  • Your word is immpeccable..
  • Never be stiffled, be yourself in everyway
  • You take nothing personal, when someone attacks You, its because of themselves
  • You have no assumptions or judgements on anyone..everyone is great
  • You always do your best because action makes You happy
  • Change her mood, Not her mind
  • Women make decsions in the emotion of the moment
  • If she says no...Buy temp, pump state, try again (?)
  • Approach sideways
  • You want her, but You don't need her
  • Convey Dominance
  • Get physical fast
  • Don't look for a response Be unreactive. You have the worth and higher value
  • Offer others value Notice that eveyone has a genuine side to them, break that barrier
  • See others' positive traits
  • Suck them into Your reality
  • Come from an abundance state of mind
  • Be Self Amused
  • Avoid comfort at all times
  • Assume attraction
  • Show intent early on
  • Put her on a ridiculously low pedastool
  • Hardwire her frame/mind You are a 10
  • Be attracted to the unknown
  • Have fun no matter what
  • You'll never run out of things to say because if you believe that its good enough then it is!!! even Who are you where are you from (sub comm)
  • Acknowledge wingman, use inside jokes lead and take over!
  • Strong identity
  • Avoid Comfort
  • Dominate Reality
  • Expect Greatness
  • Plow the set
  • Don't wait to approach Caveman (?)
  • Enjoy the moment
  • CLOSE!!!
  • Rejection doesn't exist, only learning
  • When opening, don't follow, stand still
  • hook seperates self, for own amusment
  • Good hook, cold read "You guys are bad girls/fiesty/crazy/most evil girls!
  • Core confidence
  • Give value "You have a Good girl face but bad girl manerism"
  • "Your're my new little sister, ive never had one!"
  • (Bubble) You and her in future, tell people that you two are married (creates you and her mentality)
  • Tease her mannerisms (girls are girl coding each other)
  • Push pull, "You're either the coolest girl ever or a weirdo, can't firgure it out. I hate you! You're evil!
  • "Im a bad man"
  • "I'm evil "
  • Imitate them!
  • BE GROUNDED in who you are, she can't effect you
  • Realize that not every girl wants to fuck you. SO fucking what!
  • Cartoonize your negtive thoughts (Cartman NOOO!!!)
  • Don't judge yourself on your success...
  • You're a Baller!!! Just enjoy talking to girls period
  • Twist it so rejection actually puts you into state
  • Guys Act/Girls React
  • Deep Tone from chest
  • Leaving early in a set early is part of your process
  • If you get blown off, its cause she's a dummy
  • Eye contact, triangle look
  • Trust in yourself to do the right thing, in the moment
  • You don't need to try to impress because you're impressive!
  • Don't think of the outcome
  • normal I'm a catch, and time with me is rare and valuable. She's getting the better end of the deal She wants me
  • UNVERTAINTY and unpredictability are cornerstones for attachment
  • When you see a 10, you dont impress, just say hi
  • Over hype venue changes!
  • Give commands!!!!
  • Let her leave at any point
  • Never take rejection personally, you have other options
  • Passio, intensity, enthusiasm when speaking
  • Balance self-amusment and INTENT
  • Steal the frame of attraction and SEX
  • If she's standing there then she wants you
  • Hook is body lang and no outcome and humor, be self
  • Being horny will make her horny Its always on, but you don't need her
  • Be normal, because every other guy is not
  • What you say is important because you're saying it
  • Be the most dominant guy
  • Be physical to everyone
  • Break homeostasis...
  • Change your habits to grow
  • Abundance..go on to the next one
  • Nobody would reject the real you..You are amazing, so if you get rejected, you just didn't show your real self
  • Just going to the club excites you because you love to practice
  • Try new things and look idiodic...WHY NOT
  • Get close to the girl fast! Expect resistance
  • You are entitled to hot quality women, they need you
  • Opener do not matter!
  • Text girls for self amusement, don't look for a response, who cares
  • When the world is yours, everyone is your friend
  • Make it so she doesn't seem like a slut
  • Approaching is fun
  • Talk to everyone, have no outcome to get over rejection fear
  • If she rejects you, she is an idiot and you're one step closer to finding a girl thats willing
  • Why worry, punish self before it happens???
  • Think its funny, let them go bro lol
  • You don't need women cause you can get them whenever
  • Say Whatever the fuc you want and be the most relaxed
  • Dont self analyze!
  • Maintain the dominant frame, Control your own reality
  • Reality is negotiable, everything popular is wrong
  • If you plan on doing something eventually then do it now
  • Trying to get everyone to like you is a formula for failure
  • View a hot women as a person, not an object that you need to win
  • Don't assume anything about the girl, and don't judge her on her looks, its superficial
  • You are the owner of the club and everyone there are your guests act like it
  • You don't need sex, they need it from you. Like org. Kids to play soccer, you don't care if you win or lose, you are just doing it for the THRILL
  • Let go of your comfort cushions...Having to preparty, good clothes, good hair, pre ritual...KNOW you are enough
  • Don't think I need to get laid....I want to meet cool people and have fun!!!!
  • Go in trying to fail and see what happens
  • All Masters at anything...LOVE TO PRACTICE
  • Only outcome in your head...Did I have fun?
  • All interactions are good, bcuz you have balls to approach
  • Go for what is unrealistic, there is no challenge at the top, everyone else strives for mediocrity
  • You want excitement over happiness
  • You love everybody, the moment you don't like someone, they have power over you
  • Have an internal frame of reference Others doesn't effect you. Compare to success to yourself only
  • Short sweet texts, be unpredictable.
  • Pump others state to pump yours
  • Dont look for validation for approval...enjoy yourself in the interaction
  • Make your first interaction boring and try and fail! When you leave with a girl even if you tell her something else....She knows whats up
  • HOLD BACK INFO creates intrigue
  • Imagine her giving you head
  • Sex is natural...You've been designed to do it
  • Don't go into spectator mode, your ONLY CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS IS TO APPROACH!!!...NO OUTCOME!!!
  • Women want to be led on the dance floor and everywhere..persit! While pulling, Use any excuse or lie...Then say fuck that...lets use that instead

  • RE: shit test, Yea sure...yea ok...your story

  • If you convey your true value giving self and she denies you then she feels that she doesn't deserve something good, "Don't think of kissing me" she will

  • Your entitled. You know you can have her

  • Play as if your her DAD

  • Praise her instead of challenging. "I love your devotion to fitness" workout

  • Believing is seeing

  • Don't tell ppl your accomplishments, let em find out

  • "Your everything I never thought I wanted" It's apparent how much you like me right now, but stop making it so obvious

  • Believing is seeing

  • Always give your opinion, even if trivial to your gf

  • Stay on your purpose

  • RUN THE PARTY...introduce everyone..become the party

  • Women don't care about track records of men. Only how those men make them feel in the moment. Even in negative times.,, just show her love

  • Your frame is that you are going to try until FAIL

  • Live as though you can die at any moment

  • Success comes right after failure

  • Pesistence is an Alpha Male trait and success comes right after it


  • "Why are you talking to me" Irrelevent, erroneous, Mimic them....Your mom...Because I love you...

  • "Your Gay" Only on Tuesdays

  • Self amusement comes first, you approach cuz its fun and then your state transfers

  • Techniques to get into STATE..Clown man dance in middle dance floor, clap hands WOO BLUEPRINT

  • Being attractive to women is not something you do. Its something you ARE

  • You know how to be successful with woman and in life, its just giving yourself permission to do so. Most ppl are bored in life and aspire to nothing

  • Your reality is stronger than other and you don't need to social ping, others follow you and believe your reality

  • Value is the best Attraction spike...(Anything that helps you survive and gives you good emotions)

  • Women want Resourcefullness, Decisiveness, Dominance, Fearless, Dictator of reality

  • Girls respond to Bx cues, in yours and how others react to you....

  • SubConcious

  • Women love when you go for what you want on a subtle level..CAVEMANING

  • Have an abundance mindset, not attached to outcome, make her qualify herself.

  • Women don't care what you say!!! Only Subcommunication

  • The way you feel when you buy a new pair of shoes, is how you should always feel

  • Stand out to get girls, Not neccesarly by your looks but, by your actions which go against social norms! (Self amuse and don't care what others think)

  • Be who you're meant to be (Alpha Ambitious) act through own intentions

  • Live up only to your OWN STANDARDS, Fuck eveyone elses.

  • You know how great you are

  • You talk about whatever you want because you DGAF and she will try to keep up with you since she likes you

  • The desire to ravish a women is the same desire to defeat your opponent and break through a woman's

  • Way to prevent running out of things to say.
  • 1. Whatever you say has importance.
  • 2. Start talking to eveyone early.
  • 3. Be self amused
  • The Self Is Always Coming Through...
  • Be yourself, you don't need a random girls attention.
  • Do what you love/self amused :)
  • Treat everyone the same...(Normal)
  • Everyone in the world is your friend and they want the best for you
  • You're not above the process of going into state
  • State is...enjoying self, in the moment, authentic, yourself, speaking your mind, no thought of outcome, don't care how others react, fully present, assuming expecting everyone is your friend
  • Express yourself freely and don't care!
  • Why you shouldn't impress with lines or "Oh I know this" Because vibing comm that you don't care if she leaves, you don't need to impress, you have an abundance....The subcomm is WAY more powerful than actual words trying to impress
  • A way to be in the moment...tell yourself that THIS IS YOUR LAST NIGHT TO die wold you act
  • Tyler's Six Steps
  • 1. Open All
  • 2. Minimize time in between sets
  • 3. Never judge yourself (every attempt is a 100/10!)
  • 4. Find something funny about each attempt
  • 5. End in a high note if out of state (early) & Burn it to the ground if in state (close)
  • 6. Push every attempt a little further
  • Having fun transfers to others which is valuable=attractive
  • You'll be the most successful with women when you love yourself and the world without outcome..LOVING LIFE!!! Its contagious
  • Forcing reality-The hot girl may assume that your a chode to begin with, but you can't blame her...You don't need to prove yourself to her and you are core confident that your true self will come through and your reality/frame of knowing that she's into you will come off
  • When in State, you are the source of good emotions :) =Value offerer
  • When not in state, accept it "Im not in state, so what....I will be now...then take action
  • The reason guys don't get laid because they view it as hard to do...ITS EASY and NATURAL for you
  • When you seek the rejection or way out without truly is ego protection
  • To get into state...Slow down dilate perception, we are all the same, deep breaths and say FEEL GOOD BE HAPPY and smile
  • Girls want to stay in the warm end of the pool...meaning, where the highest value is. So after the club/bar....If there is a huge party (One you lie about, or hype up enough to get her to come) she will
  • Women are socially conditioned and subconciously to never pursue the man...So don't ever expect her to
  • When you stop a girl (moving target) by grabbing her, your mindset isn't hey im tryn to get you but rather, "Hey, nows your chance What you are saying because its coming from you, pactice saying anything!
  • There is nothing wrong with letting a girl know you are interested in her (without saying it or supplicating yourself) It is very attractive beacuse you are acting through your own intentions and if she doesn't want it then you'll just move onto the next one
  • You want your faculties focused on the PRESENT MOMENT...not drawing experineces from the past, or thinking what will happen in the are only thinking about the present moment
  • You walk through the world with a sense of ease, you take everything light hearted. THE WORLD IS YOURS
  • Move through the world with ease, you are an integral part of this planet and you are nccessary for the greater whole..
  • You are at ease with everyone..Social chameleon
  • Your strong/grounded sense of reality draws other into you
  • You are so confident that women are in LOVE with you, it is like your thought towards the abundance of air...You don't think about it...It just naturally happens
  • You only compare yourself to yourself
  • You are immpeccable with your word
  • Your reality is "All girls want to be opened, they love and are constantly looking for that GREAT guy...YOU ARE THAT GUY"
  • You take nothing personal You don't make assumptions
  • You always do your best
  • Don't see her as the other, see herself in you
  • If her ego is in the way, don't let it effect you
  • You have massive amounts of value
  • You don't need sex. You are giving her an opp for it
  • See the best in yourself and others
  • I am entitled when I am extremely aroused around a girl I am talking to
  • Intent of sex wihtout outcome is grounded
  • Heaven on Earth can exist for you if you perceive it..
  • See love everywhere
  • Everyone is bored and in a walking daze because their ego has taken over. They are looking for material things (Money, clothes, car, etc) to make them happy and they are reaching for an outcome, when the process (life) and happiness is a default state. If you can be a grounding energy that is different, unstiffled, self amused and having fun in life with your default self esteem and no ego attached, people will fall into your reality because they want someone to let them be that way...
  • Happy in the moment, which is a huge value giver and non needy, NEVER SEEK VALUE. Create your own value and amusement in life.
  • Ego is your false self that creates a false identity..It looks for outside tangible things to validate your perceived & wounded can never be fully satisfied (getting more girls, Money, etc) whereas that feeling can and should be maintained all the time when YOU ARE SEEING THE BEAUTY OF LIFE LIVING IN THE NOW..It disapears when you stop comparing yourself to others

Interessante como no começo do vídeo o palestrante demonstra bastante desconforto qnd faz as piadas, começa a acariciar as mãos, baixa os olhos, inclina a cabeça pros lados, nota-se que é uma área que ele não domina, e exatamente a partir de 00:50 a postura dele muda completamente qnd ele começa com o tema. Sei que isso pode parecer uma observação óbvia, mas imaginem como teria sido MUITO melhor se ele tivesse feito as piadas sem ter tido aqueles reflexos de desconforto no começo e adotado uma postura mais dominante como na que ele adota aos 00:50.

By the way, bom vídeo planeta.

Caralho, ótimo vídeo mesmo. Como eu deixei passar, não sei.

Foi bem de encontro ao meu último post, e ainda colocou na prática a distinção do que é biologicamente bom e o que é realmente bom. A história do pássaro se matando com cocaína e do ponto de vista biológico isso ser a melhor escolha a ser tomada é incrível. Faz nós refletirmos que é real, de fato, essa dualidade que temos, e pessoas de sucesso são justamente aquelas que ascendem sobre isso.

Mas isso ainda se toca nas raves atuais ? Nunca vi, pessoal toca mais o que ta na moda mesmo, ate pegam algumas musicas mais lentas e dao uma mixada, dependendo do dj fica muito bom.

Depende das raves. Eu comecei a curtir recentemente, mas a cena do House e do Deep House aqui no Brasil é fortíssima, tanto em produção como em discotecagem, ao vivo.

Curto esse tipo de som. Bem produzidos, sem martelada, com subidas e drops de qualidade.

A mesma faixa sendo tocada ao vivo:

Reparem na largada do baixo aos 1:20 para então subir um mini-climax culminando no "refrão". Dahora demais.



Depende das raves. Eu comecei a curtir recentemente, mas a cena do House e do Deep House aqui no Brasil é fortíssima, tanto em produção como em discotecagem, ao vivo.

Eu ja prefiro Eletrohouse progressive, acho um estilo que coloca mais a galera pra pular e a batida contagia, acredito que esse estilo seja o mais popular nas raves. Ate pra treinar gosto de ouvir.


Eu gostaria de frequentar raves, mas pela idade só posso ir para os "bailes", kk é até lrgal ter 20 se esfregando em voce, mas nao deve ter comparacao com eletronica.


Eu gostaria de frequentar raves, mas pela idade só posso ir para os "bailes", kk é até lrgal ter 20 se esfregando em voce, mas nao deve ter comparacao com eletronica.

Eu tinha um ideia errada sobre raves, achava que rolava pegação, mas na realidade acontece mesmo o oposto. Cada um está tão na sua própria vibe que eu diria que o pessoal esquece de se xavecar, hauhauahua.

Festival de música eletrônica é sensacional. Vou dizer para vocês que além dos bons DJs, o que faz a diferença é o soundsystem. A D-EDGE em São Paulo tem um que chama Funktion One. Outro dia fui numa balada com esse soundsystem, e puta que o pariu, não existe nada igual. Qualidade 101%.

Deu até um gás para estudar e correr atrás do patrimônio.



Uma época eu estudava período integral e ainda trabalhava à noite. Chegava fim de semana, saia dançar música eletrônica. Pqp, era libertador. E o melhor é que você não precisa saber dançar, só entrar no ritmo, botar seu corpo para balançar. Não sei explicar, a parada revigora, é uma injeção de alegria.

Quem curte um docinho, uma balinha, melhor ainda.

E a mulherada pira em quem dança. Eu lembro que a mina mais gata que eu peguei me conheceu dançando. Acho que o cara que dança é visto como alguém feliz, alguém desprendido.

Aprendi várias paradas massas no youtube. O que surpreende as pessoas é o dubstep:


Antigamente eu saia bastante pra dançar também., pqp era foda, chegava em casa com as pernas até bambas! auhshuashuas

Era clientão da Anzuclub, conhecem? Fica em Itu-SP.


tem que ser rco pra ter carro

... é melhgor só ter carro se a grana tiver sobbrando, combustivel, mantenção, documentos, seguro...

cconversei com um cara aleatorio um dia no metro ele me explicou que ele deixou de ter carro, anda de metro, e qdo ele precisa mesmo ele usa taxi, ou aluga carro pra vajar, e que gasta muito menos

DJ pega geral

p mim nunca q transporte público vai ser melhor q ter carro, ainda q carro seja mto mais caro

eu preciso sair todos os dias de casa pelo menos 1 h e meia antes e chego no mínimo 1 h e meia depois do trabalho em casa, isso qdo o ônibus cumpre com o horário e não atrasa tanto, fora ser exprimido todos os dias, aguentar gente feia, fedida e de mau humor e tb os motoristas q acham que estão fazendo um favor pra gente

isso q nem moro em são paulo, imagina como deve ser lá

tempo > dinheiro

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