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Olá Fiz uso recentemente de HCG para restabelecer meu eixo HPT e utilizei 5000ui por semana durante 2 meses tomei minha ultima dose esta semana e queria saber dos mais informados se tenho que entrar com tamoxifeno agora ao final ou anastrozol? cheguei a usar o anastrozol 0,25 dsdn e meus exames mostraram meu estradiol 36 pg/mL , estou me sentindo um pouco mais fadigado e sonolento alem de libido ter baixado e bolas ainda oscilando de tamanho para menor. tentei usar antes desta ultima dose o tamox mas deu uma dor de cabeça terrível e parei. ficando com o anastro, alguma orientação dos companheiros?

Segunda postagem sua exatamente igual e nos tópicos dos outros.

Leia as regras do fórum e pesquise um pouco.


Eu encontrei uma coisa, vou postar em ingles pq eh uma msg q eu escrevi p ver oq as pessoas de forums axam.
Como eu to no msm problema q vc, axo q vale a pena vc ler. Qlqer coisa usa um tradutor na internet.

E2 levels the best level
for E2 if your SHBG is mid range is 20 pg/ml. If your SHBG is lower
like mine at say 20 or less you need to keep your E2 levels lower.

What causes HighE2 and high SHBG? It seems that when my SHBG is high,
around 50 at the minute then my E2 needs to be around 50 pg/ml to get
strong nocturnal and morning wood.

Is there anyway to lower SHBG and E2 at the same time. At the moment this is my sweet spot.

Today my SHBG is between 18 to 22 and I keep my E2 levels at about 15 to 20 pg/ml.
The idea that optimal e2 equals 15-25 is indeed bogus.

A) its highly individual

B) i find that optimal e2 for me is when it closely matches shbg.

For example when my shbg is 35 i need e2 about 33-36

But when my shbg is 25 then i need 23-26

Because of your low shbg you will have alot of free E2 circulating in
your body,because shbg not only binds with free test but with free E2,

so the solution to your problem is to get your E2 lower.A good rule of
thumb is if your shbg is 15 then your e2 should be 15.If your shbg is 30
then your e2 should be 30.I myself have a very low shbg of 9.9 and have
to keep my e2 around 10.

Yes i read about it on another forum and decided to try it myself cause i
wasnt feeling good,had all the symptoms of high e2 but my e2 was only
25 but i felt like crap,so i decided to lower e2 some more and it
worked,better mood,good morning wood and no more getting emotional.Thats
why its important to know your shbg levels,that way you can try to tune
up your e2 to the desired level.

If your shbg is really low you might want to try a low dose sub-q shot
every other day.THat means less e2 conversion.Also shbg binds free test
but also free e2,so if shbg is low you will have alot of free e2
floating around in your blood stream.

(This one his SHBG is 55 and E2 55)

I feel better - am more positive, good morning wood, can concentrate
better and am seeing some body recomposition that is favorable.
I don't know whether to be worried about the higher E2 levels or not - I
don't feel emotional (feel more testosterone effects - dominance etc) ,
have good libido, nocturnal erections, no gyno signs, so no outward
signs of problems with E2.

  • 4 semanas depois...

Voce esta esteril pra sempre?

Deixa eu te fazer uma pergunta meio escrota, viado, mas agora que voce apresenta esse quadro hormonal voce esta gozando pouco? Ou é normal só que os gametas nao "funcionam" ?


Voce esta esteril pra sempre?

Deixa eu te fazer uma pergunta meio escrota, viado, mas agora que voce apresenta esse quadro hormonal voce esta gozando pouco? Ou é normal só que os gametas nao "funcionam" ?

Gozando? Está falando do volume de esperma?

Espermatozoides são cerca de 5% do volume ejaculatório.


Raramente os testes hormonais são feitos no proprio laboratorio, eles colhem e mandam pra um laboratorio de apoio fazer, muito dificil ter erro.

Exames com data de 2010 !!

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