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Como Os Prisioneiros Mantém A ''forma'' ?

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Yesterday I gave you a training video of prison guys. Several of those guys in that video were big, muscular and Squatting over 400lbs. What's their secret?

You can be sure that their secret is NOT their diet. Prison guys are NOT doing any of the stuff muscle magazines keep saying is crucial for muscle gains...

  • Prison guys DON'T eat slow protein pre bed
  • Prison guys also DON'T eat fast protein post workout
  • Prison guys definitely DON'T have protein every 3 hours

In prison you get 3 meals per day. Low quality, low protein meals. That's it. And in some US states, as reported by the NY Times in June 2009, inmates only get 2 meals/day. This proves that diet matters less than training for muscle gains.

Yes, supplements and steroids could be accessible in prison, but they would be expensive. And remember plenty of guys are drinking 3 shakes per day without getting anywhere. Same with steroids: I've seen enough drug-using lifters who had yo-yo muscle gains depending on whether they were on or off their cycle.

Genetics? That's the cop out everyone uses when nothing they're doing works when in fact they're using ineffective training methods OR simply not putting enough work in the gym. But nobody likes to hear that story.

Charles Bronson, author of "Solitary Fitness", spent 34 years in prison (mostly in solitary confinement) and could do Push-ups with 2 men on his back and on a crappy diet. They made a movie about him in 2008 by the way - "Bronson" - starring Tom Hardy (that's the guy from Inception and the upcoming Mad Max).

Training is the secret of prison guys. Watch the video again. Listen to what they say. These guys don't drag themselves to the gym, it's the only thing they have. Look at the atmosphere in the gym: their motivation is high. You won't stay skinny and weak if you train like them, whatever your diet is.

Prison guys aren't the only group of people who get muscular using the worst diet ever. Tomorrow I'm going to give you another example... Olympic athletes.

Editado por Johnn

Cara, eu penso em duas coisas...

Que da certo nao comer de 3 em 3 horas isso eh um fato, vc vai ter um shape top sem comer... Mas e se voce ficasse MAIS top ainda 'respeitando' isso? Nao tem como ver se funciona mais ou funciona menos... Eu acho que se tiver como comer e se sentir bem comendo, ta otimo, mas se nao tiver como nao vai deixar de ter bons ganhos...

Prisoes americanas (e brasileiras) os caras podem ter comida de fora, se bobiar rola ate suplementos la hahaha

Prisoes americanas rola uma mafia absurda com drogas (provavelmente anabols tambem), entao nao tem como falar que os prisioneiros estao naturais hahaha... claro, se for uma prisao federal de seguranca maxima que os caras eu ja acho mto dificil.. mas em prisao comum n eh dificil de encontrar anabols nao... eh soh ter dinheiro fora da cadeia pra pagar

Postado (editado)

Rolar até rola,mas é caro demais.

Lá se diferencia por jail e prison,eu acho.

De acordo com o tempo de reclusão..

Mas eles socam ae's e não se alimentam bem ?

Editado por Johnn

não sei se acredito muito nessa afirmação de que é CARO usar ae's nas prisões de lá..principalmente porque a maioria dos presos pertencem a quadrilhas, o que facilita MUITO acesso a qualquer regalia..


"Im a C/O and have worked state and federal corrections. at the state they were HUGE with no roids. they lifted upwards of 4 hrs a day and ate as much as possible, sometimes tradeing stuff to het eggs meat and peanut butter from other inmates.

at the fed they dont have weights anymore so the guys are more ripped than big. they still improvise weights with water in trash bags inside of pillowcases and such but its not the same."

Achei em fórum gringo aí..

Postado (editado)

s Hoje, 16:32

"Im a C/O and have worked state and federal corrections. at the state they were HUGE with no roids. they lifted upwards of 4 hrs a day and ate as much as possible, sometimes tradeing stuff to het eggs meat and peanut butter from other inmates.

at the fed they dont have weights anymore so the guys are more ripped than big. they still improvise weights with water in trash bags inside of pillowcases and such but its not the same."

"Eu sou um oficial de correção(C.O) e trabalhei com correções federais e estaduais.Na estadual eles eram grandes sem esteróides(difícil de colocar isso p/ dentro das prisões).Os caras treinavam mais de 4 horas por dia,e comiam o máximo possível.Além,de algumas vezes trocarem algo por ovos,carnes e pasta de amendoim com outros detentos.Já nas federais,não tem pesos mais...então os caras era mais definidos do que grandes.Eles ainda improvisavam pesos colocando água em sacos de lixo dentro de fronhas e tal, mas não é a mesma coisa. "

Acho que dá pra entender a ideia do trecho.

Editado por Johnn
Postado (editado)

eles nao sofrem tanto se preocupando com a quantidade de proteina/dia, consequentemente possuem niveis mais discretos de cortisol serico, o que submete a dorsal e o triceps a um risco vertiginosamente menor de catabolismo

fonte: Rasmussen e seus camaradas (2006)

Editado por TheyCallMePeter

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