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Chow Line: 'Negative calorie' concept dubious (for 12/30/07)


I heard that eating radishes can help you burn calories, because you use more energy to digest them than they give you in calories. Is that true?

Ah, the legend of "negative calorie foods" continues the long tradition of folklore fixes for weight loss. While the theory might be mathematically correct, at least for radishes and some other foods, it can't replace good old-fashioned common sense.

The negative-calorie-foods theory goes like this: The body must use energy (calories) to digest food. This is called the "thermic effect of food" and accounts for 5 percent to 10 percent of calories eaten. So, if you eat foods that contain fewer calories than it takes to digest them, you'll automatically lose weight.

You can do an Internet search to find lists of these foods, numbering from a few dozen to nearly 100, and radishes are a common element among them -- along with celery, cabbage, grapefruit and some other fruits and vegetables.

But registered dietitians shy away from such recommendations. While the foods on such lists are generally healthful and low-calorie, consuming only these foods could hardly be termed a balanced diet, and, in fact, could lead to malnutrition.

In addition, focusing on how many calories are used up in digestion is like figuring out how many calories are needed to keep your heart beating, lungs functioning, or cells metabolizing. The body burns calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether you're running a marathon or dreaming of sugarplums. The key to weight loss has always been to consume fewer calories than your body uses for a myriad of activities -- not just what it uses for digestion.

That said, almost everyone could use a few more fruits and vegetables in their daily regimen, and choosing a wide variety among those with fewer calories isn't a bad idea if you're trying to lose weight. Opting for a piece of fruit or a plate of vegetables instead of snacking on nachos and cheese certainly will help you toward your weight-loss goal. But it's not because they have "negative calories." It's because they have fewer calories than you might otherwise eat -- just as turkey breast has fewer calories than salami, or a slice of "light" bread has fewer calories than a croissant.

A more reasonable approach to weight loss is to be sure you eat a balanced diet, control your portions (do you even know what a 3-ounce hamburger patty looks like?), eat more fruits and vegetables, and kick up your activity level a notch or two.

For more ideas and a personalized assessment, go to and click on "MyPyramid Plan."

Chow Line is a service of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH, 43210-1044, or [email protected].


Negative-calorie or calorie-burning foods may sound magically delicious. Alas, there is no such thing as a calorie-free lunch (or breakfast, or dinner, or midnight snack). The negative-calorie theory hasn't been officially debunked, but all foods, with the exception of water, contain calories.

The idea of "negative-calorie" food stems from the notion that the body uses more energy to chew and digest certain foods than the food itself contains, thereby creating a net deficit in caloric intake. Some foods commonly thought to have this effect include celery, cucumbers, and cold water. However, that doesn't mean that eating these foods should be substituted for your daily workout. The amount of calories your body burns processing these low-calorie foods is so miniscule that it will not make a difference in your body weight. Additionally, these foods have little nutritional value, so if your diet is limited to these foods you may be missing out on the many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs to maintain health.



Resumindo: Calorias Negativas? Efeito discutível e questionável!!

Postado (editado)

vc está errado... tem alimentos praticamente sem calorias

Me mostre que a quantidade de kcal gastas pra digerir, são maiores que as ingeridas.

seguindo esse raciocinio, uma pessoa que montasse uma dieta somente com esses alimentos, com o tempo morreria de fome..

Editado por romario_xtz

Me mostre que a quantidade de kcal gastas pra digerir, são maiores que as ingeridas.

seguindo esse raciocinio, uma pessoa que montasse uma dieta somente com esses alimentos, com o tempo morreria de fome..

Nao, as calorias gastas nao sao do proprio alimento.

Minha dieta "magica" veio disso ai.


ostado as Hoje, 06:44

Olá pessoal... como o próprio título diz eu gostaria de saber o que acontece se eu tomar uma cápsula de cafeína 200mg antes de dormir (1 minuto antes de deitar) ? Será que terá bons efeitos? Insônia? Queimará mais calorias?

Abraços e bons treinos!

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