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para agora ainda acho meio cedo pois ainda está no seu "deload" de cargas nos exercícios de lower MAS...

quando se sentir confortavel. nunca pensou em fazer exercícios de ME? Max Effort?? treinos estilo wsb e coisas assim. iria ser um grande estimulo pra voce já que está dizendo que está estagnado. e ME é uma loucura de fazer!!


para agora ainda acho meio cedo pois ainda está no seu "deload" de cargas nos exercícios de lower MAS...

quando se sentir confortavel. nunca pensou em fazer exercícios de ME? Max Effort?? treinos estilo wsb e coisas assim. iria ser um grande estimulo pra voce já que está dizendo que está estagnado. e ME é uma loucura de fazer!!

Estou sentindo um desgaste preocupante na articulação do cotovelo esquerdo e eu senti uma visgada no peito, então acho melhor fazer esse descanso cara, mas no Squat eu não vou fazer esse descanso, só para a parte superior mesmo.

Estou pensando em fazer algo parecido cara, mas nunca consegui entender muito bem esse wsb


se tiver alguma duvida que eu possa ajudar... a ultima versão do treino wsb (do defranco) está dividida em 4 dias de treino semanais. 2 upper e 2 lower

este é o treino.

MONDAY – Max-Effort Upper Body

  1. Max-Effort Exercise – work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following exercises:
  • Thick bar or regular barbell bench press
  • Barbell floor press
  • Rack lockouts /
  • Incline barbell bench press (regular grip or close grip)
  • Close-grip bench press (index finger on smooth part of bar)
  • Weighted chin-ups
  • Board presses or foam presses
  • Chain bench press (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
  • Band bench press (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
  • (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
  1. Supplemental Exercise – perform 2 sets of max reps in one of the following exercises. (Choose a weight you can perform for 15-20 reps on the 1st set. Use the same weight for both sets and rest 3-4 minutes between sets).
  • Flat DB bench press (palms in or out)
  • Incline DB bench press (palms in or out)
  • DB floor press (palms in)
  • Barbell push-ups (wearing weighted vest)
  • Blast strap push-ups (wearing weighted vest)
  • Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose to do weighted chin-ups for your first exercise)
  1. Horizontal pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.

Group 1

  • DB rows
  • Barbell rows
  • Seated cable rows (various bars)
  • T-bar rows
  • Chest supported rows

Group 2

  • Rear delt flyes
  • Scarecrows
  • Face pulls
  • Seated DB “power cleans”
  • Band pull-aparts
  1. Traps – Perform 3 – 4 sets of 8-15 reps of one of the following exercises:
  • DB shrugs
  • Barbell shrugs
  • Safety squat bar shrugs
  • Behind the back barbell shrugs
  1. Elbow flexor exercise - Perform 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps of one of the following exercises:
  • Barbell curls (regular or thick bar)
  • DB curls (standing)
  • Seated Incline DB curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Zottmann curls
  • Iso-hold DB curls

TUESDAY – Dynamic-Effort Lower Body

  1. Jump training – choose one of the following exercises and perform 5-8 sets of 1-3 jumps:
  • Vertical jumps
  • Broad jumps
  • Hurdle hops (jump over hurdle and land on ground)
  1. Unilateral exercise (w/ added ROM) – choose one of the following exercises and perform 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps:
  • (holding DB’s or with a barbell)
  • Barbell reverse lunge, front foot elevated
  • Barbell reverse lunge w/ knee lift (front foot elevated)
  • Step-ups (box height slightly above knee)
  1. Hip extension exercise – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps:
  • 45-degree hyperextensions
  • Reverse hyperextensions
  • Pull-throughs
  • Swiss ball back bridge + leg curl
  • Glute-ham raises
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Forward sled dragging, upright posture (3 sets of 30 yards)
  1. Weighted Abdominals – choose one of the following exercises and perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps:
  • DB side bends
  • Offset barbell side bends
  • Barbell Russian twists
  • Low cable or band pull-ins
  • Hanging leg raises
  • Weighted Swiss ball crunches
  • Spread-eagle sit-ups (holding DB over chest)
  • Standing sit-ups (using a band or a high pulley)

THURSDAY – Repetition Upper Body

  1. Repetition Exercise – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of max reps OR 4 sets of 12-15 reps:
  • Flat DB bench press (palms in or out)
  • Incline DB bench press (palms in or out)
  • DB bench press on Swiss ball (palms in or out)
  • DB floor press (palms in)
  • Push-up variations
  • Chin-up variations
  1. Vertical pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.

Group 1

  • Lat pulldowns (various bars)
  • Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose to do chin-ups for your first exercise)
  • Straight arm pulldowns

Group 2

  • Rear delt flyes
  • Scarecrows
  • Face pulls
  • Seated DB “power cleans”
  • Band pull-aparts
  1. Medial delts – choose one of the following exercises and perform 4 sets of 8-12 reps:
  • DB lateral raises
  • L-lateral raises
  • Cable lateral raises
  • DB military press
  • DB side press
  1. Traps / Arms superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3 supersets.

Group 1 (Perform 8-10 reps)

  • DB shrugs
  • Barbell shrugs
  • Safety squat bar shrugs
  • Behind the back barbell shrugs

Group 2

  • Barbell curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • Seated Incline DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • Hammer curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • Zottmann curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • Iso-hold DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
  • DB triceps extensions (10-15 reps each set)
  • Triceps pushdowns (15-25 reps each set)
  1. Grip / Forearms – choose one of the following exercises:

  • Wrist roller (2-3 sets of 2-3 reps)
  • Thick bar or heavy DB holds (2-3 sets of max time)
  • Plate pinch gripping (2-3 sets of 2-3 reps)
  • Captains of Crush gripper (3 sets of max reps each hand)
  • Rice digs (3 timed sets)

*DON’T train your grip/forearms if you’re planning on deadlifting the next day.

FRIDAY – Max-Effort Lower Body

  1. MAX-EFFORT LIFT work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following exercises:

*Bands and/or chains can be incorporated into all of the above exercises for the not-so-skinny bastards reading this article.

  1. UNILATERAL MOVEMENTchoose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 6-12 reps:
  • Bulgarian split squat variation (holding DB’s or with a barbell)
  • Reverse lunge variation
  • Step-up variation
  • Walking lunges
  • Backward sled drags (3 sets of 30 yards)
  • Forward sled drags, 45-degree angle (3 sets of 30 yards)
  1. HAMSTRING / POSTERIOR CHAIN MOVEMENTchoose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps:

  • 45-degree hyperextensions
  • Reverse hyperextensions
  • Pull-throughs
  • Swiss ball back bridge + leg curl
  • Glute-ham raises
  • Romanian deadlifts
  • Forward sled dragging (upright posture)
  1. Ground-based, high-rep abdominal circuit – Example: Perform 10-20 reps of each exercise and go through the circuit 2-3 times. Rest 1-2 minutes between circuits.


eu segui o primeiro capitulo do treino. é o de 3 dias semanais com 2upper e 1lower.

que quer que lhe diga dos ganhos... isso deve ajudar...

eu gostei muito dos ganhos!!


Treino novo:


Supino reto 3x5

Supino fechado 3x5

Passada 4x8

Extensora 3x8 + 1x15-20

Desenvolvimento halter 2x8-10 bi-set flexão aberta 2x15-20


RDL 4x5

Flexora 3x8-10

Chin-up 3x5

DB row 3x8

Pulldown + scott 2x12-15


Squat (quantas séries eu quiser de 3 reps)

Extensora 1x8 + 2x12

Clean and press 4x3

Supino com halteres 3x8

Paralelas 3x6-8

Elevação lateral bi-set crucifixo com halter 2x12


Yates row 4x5

Flexora 4x8

Puxada fechada 3 séries rest-pause

Pulldown 2x12-15 bi set rosca 2x12

Face pull 3x8


gostei do treino =) o que significa esse squat quantas series quiser?? o que prevê fazer?

no B2 só tem flexora pra perna. foi proppositado ou falta algo?


Fico dahora mano mas o que seria a DB ROW ? E a meadows row paro de fazer? Achei ela bem superior a outros exercícios mano kkk

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