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Café Pré Treino


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Comprovaram que não tem essa de creatina e cafeína.

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Ja ouvi muitos falarem que MUITA (nao sei a quantidade) cafeina pode cortar os estoques de creatine, nao sei a quantidade, mas pode até ser verdade isso...

Caffeine consumption negated the physical benefit observed in the creatine group. Surprisingly, the effect of caffeine was observed one entire day after the last dose. This finding was at first paradoxical, because caffeine, at least initially, was proposed to increased creatine absorption into skeletal muscle via its effect on extramuscular sodium.

The amount of caffeine used in this study is equivalent to 2-3 strong cups of coffee for an average sized male, or 350 mg of caffeine for a 70 kilogram (154 pound) male. One important detail might be that caffeine was administered in the form of capsules.

Interestingly, caffeine did not interfere with the rise in muscular phosphocreatine associated with creatine loading. Remember that phosphocreatine is the biologically active form of creatine found within cells. In other words, caffeine neither decreased (nor increased, as expected) creatine transport at the muscle surface. Its inhibitory effect was felt after creatine had entered the cell and converted to phophocreatine.


Vandenberghe K, Gillis N, Van Leemputte M, Van Hecke P, Vanstapel F, Hespel P. (February 1996) Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic action of muscle creatine loading.

Isso diz que 350mg de cafeina nao causaram nenhum aumento nem diminuição na absorção de creatina, mas sera que 400mg, 500mg nao faria um efeito diferente? e tambem tem o fato da cafeina ser diurética e a creatina reter liquido no musculo, mas sei la, tambem nao creio muito nessas coisas...

Editado por Eduardo Menegusso
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se voce mandar 500mg de cafeina provavelmente, mas manda lá 300mg e vai ter só disposição, a nao ser que voce tenha algum problema com a cafeina, ai é outra coisa...

tem um parceiro meu que ele toma tem bastante tempo , e com o tempo ele começou a se tremer o dia todo .. mas sei lá pode ser que pra cada pessoa mude

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