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  1. Após os seguintes tópicos criados, ainda permaneci em dúvida, alguém pode me ajudar? De qualquer modo, decidi entrar em cutting por mais 8 semanas, ao sair de um bulking bem sucedido. Peso:93,3 Braço:41 Perna: 67 Altura: 1,83 Tórax: 110 cm. 2 anos de Treino O que eu queria saber é se eu perderia boa parte da massa magra se eu entrasse em cutting e redusisse minha dose de 600 mg de testo/ semana de enan para 300 mg de propionato/semana. Ciclo de bulking foi: 600mg por semana DSDN, 60 mg de oxan a partir da sexta sem e anastrozol DSDN 1 MG. Total 8 semanas. Ciclo de cutting seria: 8-16 propi de testo 300 mg por semana TSD. Oxan 8-14 60 mg. Oxan 14-16 80mg e clembuterol 10-12 e depois 14-16, anastrozol 0,5 mg DSDN. Dieta Bulking de 4200 kcal. Dieta cutting 2800 kcals, até 2000 kcals. Prefiri não fazer um tempo de manuntenção pois meu BF já não está baixo e o mesmo aumentaria ainda mais, não deixando meu shape decente por um bom tempo e ainda prejudicando a minha saúde. Fotos estão nos outros tópicos
  2. E ai fellas blz? Então galera, dando uma lida como à muito tempo não fazia em fóruns gringos e me deparei com um estudo deveras interessante. Eu mesmo sempre me perguntei qual seria a diferença entre usar 300mg ou 600mg? até 1g, será que compensa 1,5? essas coisas. então achei esse texto ai que vou deixar aqui pra vcs: ps: se alguem ja tiver postado foi mal, pesquisei rapidamente pela busca e não achei. The following text outlines the benefits and risks of Testosterone administration based on a clinical human trial of 61 healthy men in 2001. The purpose of the trial was to determine the dose dependency of testosterone’s effects on fat-free mass and muscle performance. In this trial 61 men, 18-35years old were randomized into 5 groups receiving weekly injections of 25, 50, 125, 300, 600 mg of Testosterone Enanthate for 20 weeks. They had previous weight-lifting experience and normal T levels. Their nutritional intake was standardized and they did not undertake any strength training during the trial. The only two groups that reported significant muscle building benefits were the 300 and 600 mg groups so any dose lower than 300mg will not be considered in this essay. 12 men participated in the 300 mg group and 13 men in the 600 mg group. 600mg of Testosterone a week for 20 weeks resulted in the following benefits. Increased fat free mass, muscle strength, muscle power, muscle volume, hemoglobin and IGF-1. The same 600 mg administration resulted in 2 side effects. HDL cholesterol was negatively correlated and 2 men developed acne. The normal range for total T in men is 241-827 ng/dl according to Labcorp and 260-1000 ng/dl according to Quest Laboratories. The normal range for IGF-1 is 81-225 according to Labcorp. Total T and IGF-1 levels were taken after 16 weeks and resulted in the following; Total Testosterone 300 mg group-1,345 ng/dl a 691 ng increase from baseline 600 mg group-2,370 ng/dl a 1,737 ng increase from baseline IGF-1 300 mg group-388 ng/dl a 74 ng increase from baseline 600 mg group-304 ng/dl a 77 ng increase from baseline Body composition was measured after 20 weeks. Fat Free Mass by underwater weighing 300 mg group-5.2kg (11.4lbs) increase 600 mg group-7.9kg (17.38lbs) increase Fat Mass by underwater weighing 300 mg group-.5kg (1.1lbs) decrease 600 mg group-1.1kg (2.42lbs) decrease Thigh Muscle Volume 300 mg group-84 cubic centimeter increase 600 mg group-126 cubic centimeter increase Quadriceps Muscle Volume 300 mg group-43 cubic centimeter increase 600 mg group-68 cubic centimeter increase Leg Press Strength 300 mg group-72.2kg (158.8lbs) increase 600 mg group-76.5kg (168.3lbs) increase Leg Power 300 mg group-38.6 watt increase 600 mg group-48.1 watt increase Hemoglobin 300 mg group-6.1 gram per liter increase 600 mg group-14.2 gram per liter increase Plasma HDL Cholesterol 300 mg group-5.7 mg/dl decrease 600 mg group-8.4 mg/dl decrease Acne 300 mg group-7 of the 12 men developed acne 600 mg group-2 of the 13 men developed acne There were no significant changes in PSA or liver enzymes at any dose up to 600mg. However, long-term effects of androgen administration on the prostate, cardiovascular risk, and behavior are unknown. The study demonstrated that there is a dose dependant relationship with testosterone administration. In other words the more testosterone administered the greater the muscle building effects and potential for side effects. Given the results of the study and based on years of personal experience I believe the first time user can safely use between 300-600 mg of testosterone enanthate or cypionate per week for 8-12 weeks. Because it is desirable to have even blood androgen levels I advise at least 2 equal injections per week. Testosterone cypionate peaks within 1-2 days after injection and falls off to almost baseline by day 10. Therefore waiting 7 days between injections of cypionate would cause wide fluctuations in blood androgen levels. If a first time user wanted to use 600 mg of cypionate or enanthate per week he would inject 300 mg on Tuesday and another 300 mg on Saturday each week for 10 weeks. When injecting long heavy esters like cypionate with this frequency I tend to have less acne then 1 injection per week. There are a number of esters which provide varying release times. Acetate or propionate esters extend the release time of testosterone a couple of days. In contrast, a deconate ester prolongs the release of testosterone about 3 weeks. Testosterone enanthate and cypionate are almost identical esters. The use of an ester allows for a less frequent injection schedule than using a water based testosterone like suspension which has no ester at all and is rapidly in and out of your system after injection. The published release times are not exact and are many times based on a single injection not many multiple injections which can delay the release of the hormone. Other factors affect release times of esters such as scar tissue and the muscle group injected. Only a blood test can confirm when the active hormone has cleared your system. Esters not only effect release times but also the potency of the Testosterone as esters make up part of the steroid weight. This must be taken into account when calculating dosages. The longer the release time the less free hormone. For example propionate is about 15% more potent mg. for mg. then enanthate so 500mg of propionate would equal about 575 mg. of enanthate. Completinho aqui fellas:
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