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Tudo que kiwi007 postou

  1. sim eh claro q pode, soh to falando q hemogenin eh melhor pra cutting do q a diana
  2. pq diana em um ciclo de cutting? seria bem melhor substituir por hemogenin
  3. o quarto e o sexto exercicios desse video nao ajudariam tb?
  4. aspirina sem receita medica???? claro q nao seu anarquista
  5. mais desestimulante ainda por nao termos clara em litro de facil acesso no brasil
  6. water retention ,, estrogen promoters ,, the chemicals inside it no matter whats written on label ,, it gives a constant water film covering the body and with the years it creates thicker and thicker skin ,, it help with calories ...eggwhites is the best protien one can hav eeven if you need to drink it 4 times a day stil beter than any supplement out there,, gh15 approved Quote not quite,, it is protien the body will use it ,, but its the chemicals in it that give this water blurred disgusting phenomenon known to us bodybuilders,, in regarding to research ,, if you look good and deep enough in this generation there is research coming every second for something diff,, you can find research out there they say cigarets are good for you!,, you can also find research that say fruits are good for you and then write next page on yahoo news another research points to fruits cusing cancer,, doctors are stupid,, phd is human society of showing some time put in school insted of streets,, doctors are good when it comes to hands on doign a procedure ! for that they are good ,, for the research balonie...they are all the same,, they dont know 50% of what they talk about,, there are tons of researches coming up everyday about how to hav ebest relashionship with women in americana ,, does it work? do they help? 9 out of 10 couple divorce ,, nothing help ,, it is all balonie reserches that keep the fellas who do them occupied and getting salary from the tax payers,, hands on baby ,, hand on! gh15 approved Quote i fotgot to mention importent detail ,, protien powdr intake will CREATE what i call as water retetnion and estrogenic rize in body that WILL NEVER EVER GO AWAY ,,you will have to fight very hard to get into contest shape after years of protien suplementation ,, absolitly no need for ptoeirn poweder,, and i will let you on another secret....THERE IS ABSOLITLY NO NEED FOR IMMEDIATE PROTIEN POST TRAINING...what most of us bodybuild who are on alot of hormones do...and to all the morons who say gh15 is waiting for website so only there is spill beans they can see they are wrong for i say everything on thunderdome too ....what most of us bodybuild who are on a lot of hormones do is....WE MAKE SURE WE GET IN PROTIEN BFORE TRAINING,, eggwhites or other ,, and after training we wait a good 60 min before we put in protien ,, nothing is calculated to the t ,, NOTHING,, you know your body you train it to be specific way,, protien powders are not needed,, the chemicals that you tkake as part of this protien ,, the all mixture of shit you take what cause your new age bodybuild film of water on lower back and midsection ,, yes you can get rid of it with products such as diuretics,, but over all it will never be as sharp as a bodybuild who is on solid food and eggwhites drinks which is solid food the actual process and the actual stuf they put into the box which you dont knwo if its even what claim on label! but assumign it is ....that mixure kill physiqes lines especialy of the hormonized fellas Quote the actual process and the actual stuf they put into the box which you dont knwo if its even what claim on label! but assumign it is ....that mixure kill physiqes lines especialy of the hormonized fellas its nto the end of world if you drink protien poweder many do ,, thick skin is very coommon problem with bodybuild now day ,, look at the top o competitors many thick skins,,,it is due to specific hormones but still when you have thick skin if you have it ...then it doesnt matter if its from insulina or from supplements its already there ,, many fellas with thick skin got to be great bodybuilders because they knew how to manipulate body and reduce water with diuretic and knew how to play with sodium and carbs from hands on ,, still bodybuild can hold lots of water on physiqe sometimes up to 20lb !! ,, 3 lb is nothing...12lb can make a night and day diff between stage ready and just ripped fella in gym,, protien can be used in powder its just a pretty boy thing like the song i put there,, it look good on the outside,, in the inside...its all balonie,, better stick with real food and just drink eggwhites and its not hard to find them they have it everywhere in americana and europe you can somehow find too ,, hell drink regular egg whites like rocky balboa just dont use blender becauase it will get foamy and bubbly on you and you wont be able to drink it ,, just put it all in t glass or big bowl and mix it for a second with spoon and drink the all damn 15 eggwhites or 20 ,,add some icecream at times,,salmonila is overrated ,,never got it and i drank it all through 90s gh15 approved esses sao alguns posts ai do gh15, perdao ai por estarem em ingles , o q ele basicamente diz eh q o whey vai reter agua no corpo, aumentar os niveis de estradiol e que grande parte da proteina do whey nao eh absorvida qual a opiniao de vcs sobre isso?
  8. a silimarina vai diminui o efeito das drogas
  9. ele flo q nao precisa de tpc pra clemb pelo q eu entendi e pro pessoal q acha q ele pode morre vcs acham q ele pode morre de que? se começa a da colaterais fortes eh soh para de toma, sao drogas de mv curta parando de toma logo resolve se der qualquer problema
  10. e nao manda silimarina durante o ciclo nem durante a tpc
  11. ah as dosagens ateh tao umpoco altas mas pra morre falta muito ainda, soh se tu tiver algum problema de saude, lembrando tb q provavelmente essa trembo eh subdosada, soh nao acho muito proveitoso coloca essas dosagens ainda mais em um primeiro ciclo, os ganhos nao vao se mto melhores vai acaba desperdiçando soh. se o objetivo eh secar um ciclo com prop,trembo e masteron ia se mto melhor
  12. calma alguem me explica ai porque esse ciclo eh tao perigoso por favor
  13. o propionato eh bom joga dsdn, pode joga hemogenin os ganhos serao superiores mas nao da pra dize se vao se muito superiores, mas hemogenin vem mta agua junto
  14. o stano nao interfere tanto no eixo assim, eh tranquilo manda sem testo por um periodo nao mto longo
  15. nao eh clembuterol, nao tem essa coisa de 15 off
  16. pfff vai aprende sobre treinamento e nutriçao antes mesmo de começa a estuda aes
  17. kiwi007

    Gh15 Vs Phil Heath

    o arnold eh otro mentiroso ai, ele fala que ateh 1965(acho q eh essa data de cabeça aqui) qdo ele tiro segundo no mister universo ele nunca tinha usado aes, soh no proximo ano q ele tomo dianabol e a partir dai começo a toma aes soh nas seis semanas antes das competiçoes, mas mesmo naquela epoca chega em segundo no mister universo eh completamente impossivel sem aes, ainda mais com os treinos do arnols de 4 horas e as vezes treinando 3 vezes por dia pelo menos eh isso que ele diz nessa biografia dele que saiu agora
  18. eh soh um test booster, nem perde tempo tentando acha algum segredo pra cresce, NAO EXISTE, se tivesse todo mundo jah saberia e usaria (pelo menos se fosse algo q se descobre pesquisando na internet).
  19. ashuhashusa verdade vi isso num artigo dele msm
  20. Muitas pessoas usam a silimarina na tpc pra recupera o figado, mas o motivo pela qual ela nao deve ser usada durante o ciclo nao se aplica tb a tpc? ela nao iria diminuir o efeito do tamox e do clomid q tb sao metabolizados pelo figado?
  21. o stanozolol oral nao eh o mais indicado para as mulheres, ele diminui o SHGB e por isso pode causar uma maior virilizaçao
  22. mas ginecomastia por estradiol nao por prolactina
  23. to querendo faze um ciclo parecido com esse ai, soh acho melhor joga a oxan mais pro final, nao acho uma boa combina com deca, se nao me engano as duas sao da mesma classe, nao esquece de relata esse ciclo ai q eu quero ve os resultados
  24. mto bom esse post, certeza q vai ajuda mta gente ai(inclusive eu) dei um up ali
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