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Tudo que ROMERA postou

  1. Bah cara, não me leve a mal, mas aqui é compicado pelo conteudo de alguns posts meus e coisas que ainda pretendo falar (muitas dorgas ), se quise troca uma ideia melhor passa seu msn por MP.
  2. Meu prefiro não falar aonde exatamente, mas trampo com refrigeração, mecanica dos fluidos, e uns free lances na área de motores e laminação avançada de compósitos. Complicado opinar sem ver o protocolo detalhado, sua idade, experiencia com aes e mais importante exames de sangue, pré, intra e pós. Edit: erros gramaticais, hehehe
  3. Sou eng mecanico automotivo, pq a pergunta? foram 3 meses. Pé atrás? Tu tem que estar certo do que ta fazendo, estudar bastante, ter plenas noçoes das consequencias e saber aonde quer chega.
  4. E ae bando de loco, to sumido porque to numa correria bruta aqui e não tem muito oq relatar, tudo like a breeze, ganhos solidos e graduais como esperava, nada abrupto, sem colaterais, muito tranquilo mesmo. Segunda feira será o inicio da 6º semana e que venha a trembo na 8º, hehehehe Tem o link do relato no primeiro poste, mas foi stan, propi e hcg por 10 semanas, esse shape do teu avatar com muito menos melanotan II e sem as tattos e mais ou menos oq aspiro, que distancia que eu to ainda, kkkkkkk
  5. Diegão, não precisa maquinário algum, mas o minimo de higiene, como uma farmacia de manipulação decente, no minimo assim: PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE HOME BREW by Roy Harper So you think you're a chemist just because bought a steroid kit. Everyone is doing this these days, making home made trenbolone, testosterone, deca, etc. The major differences between the product you make and the product a pharmaceutical company makes is purity and sterility. If you want an end product with better purity you'll need to start with a better powder. However for a sterile end product, this is a whole different story. With only a few extra steps you can make a high quality steroid at home that is as good as a pharmaceutical grade steroid. The ideas in this document can be used for powder kits, conversion kits, extracting kits, or even dirty gear. Let’s start with the basics. Like any lab you're going to need a sterile environment in which to work. Now you could get out your propane torch and burn everything; this will surely kill all the bacteria, but is kind of hard on your house. So instead you’ll need a cleaner that kills any bacteria. What you're going to need is a chemical that can kill the majority of bacteria (%99 - %99.99). Something like Tektrol or Isopropyl Alcohol will work fine. You could even use Benzyl Alcohol if you really wanted to. If needed dilute the chemical and put it into a sprayer for ease of use, but make sure to clean the sprayer first. Now you have your own handy dandy sterilizing cleaner! Spray this on your workspace and you'll have a cleaner work surface with fewer bacteria. For your tools, you are going to need them sterilized every time you use them. Most professionals use an autoclave to sterilize everything. What it does is expose the tools to excruciatingly hot steam, which invariably sterilizes anything in its path. Although I thought about making a homemade autoclave using a pressure cooker, it was far too complex. Keep in mind that in an autoclave it uses pressurized steam that is hotter than boiling water. This was quite a challenge to make a safe one, without damaging my house or myself. But an easier solution is to only use tools that are pre-sterilized and sealed. Specifically, syringes and vials. Since everything is self-contained there is no worry about contamination. Most kits come with all the necessary tools, but do not reuse them after each use. Since all these tools are cheap, buy a box or two of syringes etc. Then just use a new one when needed. Now for the biggest problem with making a home brew. Most people don't have access to a sterile reverse pressure fume hood. This prevents any airborne chemicals or bacteria from entering into your project. Although a professional fume hood is ideal, you can make one at home that will greatly reduce the possibility of contamination, and at a fraction of the cost! Granted this would not hold up in a real lab but it will do for home. To make a home made vacuum hood you will need the following:- a 1' x 1' x 1' cardboard box (The exact size doesn't matter) - a roll of tin foil - a roll of saran wrap - some scotch tape - sterilizing cleaner in a spray bottle - a vacuum - clean cloth - scissors - tie wire - surgical gloves Start by vacuuming out the cardboard box so that there is no remaining dust or other particles. Pre-prepare the tin foil by spraying it down with the cleaner and wipe the foil dry. Cut the foil into squares, you'll need anywhere from 5 - 10 depending on the size of your box. Begin to cover the inside of the box with the foil. Tape the foil to the cardboard and make sure to overlap all the seams. Do not leave any cardboard or tape exposed. You might want to cover part of the exterior, just for safety sake. If you're really paranoid then you'll want to line your box with multiple layers of tin foil. With the box completed, cut a hole at the top of the box, approx. the size of your vacuum hose. Make sure the hole is small enough so that only the tip of the vacuum hose will go through and not the whole thing. You might have to fiddle with it so everything doesn't fall to pieces. With some sterile foil cover both the top and bottom seams of the hole. Secure everything by taping the foil, don't worry if some of this tape is exposed. With the tie wire form four _L_ shaped hooks that are 1 inch long. Sterilize them with the cleaner and wipe them down. Tape the top of the hook to the tip of the vacuum. Space all four of the hooks equilaterally. Cut out a 2" x 2" piece of foil and sterilize it. Poke four small holes in each corner. Attach the hook part, from each hook, to the hole in the foil. If you get lost check out the diagram. Now that you have your vacuum foil box, you'll want to make the "glass cover". Since most of us don't have a piece of glass lying around we'll have to use saran wrap. Start by sterilizing some saran wrap. You'll need enough to cover approximately 3/4 of the front. Remember the extra space is for your hands so make the bottom larger or smaller, depending on the size of your box. Tape the saran wrap to the exterior of the box, the saran wrap should be fairly tight. Because the saran is flimsy you'll need at least two layers. But make sure it doesn't obstruct your view. To finish everything off you'll need to sterilize the inside. Start by putting on a new pair of surgical gloves. If needed sterilize the gloves and the sterilizing cleaner spray bottle. Then bring the spray bottle inside the box and spray everywhere and everything. Then turn on the vacuum. If the box is too wet, use a clean cloth to dry everything down. The cloth should be sterilized with the cleaner and should be slightly moist. You don't want to contaminate your area! Every time you use your brand new hood, you need to sterilize the work area. And there you go, a fume hood that can be used for all of your home made steroid projects. When it’s not in use put on the coffee table, it’s a great conversational piece at parties. Now that you have a good, clean work area you're ready to get started. Lets start with some intermediate steps in the kit process. Use the following steps where needed. Step 1 - Once you begin making your steroid, do not expose your solution to contaminated air. Remember you want to reduce the amount of bacteria in your product not increase it. Working under the fume hood solves most of the problems, but you do not want to leave any vial or beaker open for extended periods of time. It’s best to use tools that are self-contained and sterilized, as mentioned above. Step 2 - Never use a coffee filter. I know we all have them, but they are a definite no no. Instead use a pre-filter, it’s similar to the syringe filter that comes with most kits except it’s coarse rather than fine. They are great for removing binders and glues. Most pre-filters can handle 100ml of liquid so if you're making 25ml product you should use it as much as possible. When you reuse it go through the following process. Under the hood attach the pre filter to a new syringe. Extract the fluid and cap the syringe. Then cover the filter loosely with a piece of sterile tin foil. MAKE SURE THE TIN FOIL IS DRY. Remember alcohol is flammable, so if you're cleaner contains any take extra precautions. Bake the filter at 250F for 15 minutes. Repeat this process as many times until your filter has reached the maximum amount of fluid that can pass through it. Don't be stingy and reuse filters indefinitely, if can only handle 100ml only let 100ml pass through. Step 3 - Use the power of the filter. You can never filter you're gear enough. Using a syringe filter, the fine one, follow the instructions above in Step 2. Step 4 - Bake some cookies. Although these may be the worst tasting cookies you ever tasted they will get you big. At any rate, under the hood cover your gear, preferably in vials, with a piece of sterile tin foil (Make sure your vials have no plastic on it!). AGAIN, MAKE SURE THE TIN FOIL IS DRY. I can't say it enough, alcohol is flammable so if you're cleaner contains any, take extra precautions! Bake the gear at 250F for 15 minutes. Repeat 2 - 4 times, depending on how anal you are. At 250F, it is hot enough to kill the majority of bacteria and therefore sterilize the gear. Although most steroids have a lower melting point that 250F, the ester and the oil help by increasing this point well above 250F. If you have a steroid suspension (Test suspension, Winstrol, etc.), baking may cause damage to the steroid since there is no ester and oil. Step 5 - Use each tool once. Unless it’s a filter, use syringes, vials, needles, etc. only once. You don’t want to cross contaminate anything. If you reuse any tool, you may cross contaminate your gear, which will defeat the whole purpose. Step 6 - Always use surgical gloves. I don’t care how many times you washed your hands; they are a cesspool for bacteria. And there you go, some high quality gear made right at home! If you got some pure powder you can make gear that *****s most pharmaceutical grade gear. By following these ideas, your end product will be better than a something made in a dirty dusty basement. That I can guarantee
  6. Como tudo na vida tem jeitos e jeitos de fazer a conversão, tem doido que injeta algo com o processo abaixo: Directions for converting Finaplix into trenbolone acetate By: Ken Dahl 4G kit with 1 Component TH-Belt ***NOTE---The Kit and the Finaplix is sold separately*** Straighten out a paper clip and push pellets into magic solution Pellets in magic solution, let sit over night Dissolve Pellets, glue and binders at the bottom Take the 5CC syringe and draw out 3-5CC's sterile oil and set a side Add the rest of the sterile oil to the pellet solution and shake well. Insert funnel into the empty oil vial and place coffee filter into funnel. Pour solution into funnel and let sit over night to drain After draining overnight Gunk caught by coffee filter Insert 18G pin into final sterile vial to release the air when inserting the finished product. Attach 18G pin to Whatman filter and insert into vial Run solution through a hot tap water bath to reduce the viscosity and allow for ease of filtering. Take the 10CC syringe and draw out solution and filter through Whatman filter, you will do this a few times. When finished filtering product, take out the 5CC syringe with the 3-5CC sterile oil and filter through the Whatman to filter out any remaining tren in filter. Final Product 40ml 100mg/ml Certamente aquele clips é esterelizado e o sujeito deve seguir o procedimento de assepsia das mãos
  7. Subdosar por erro definitivamente não existe, é uma regra de três basica e uma balança.
  8. Desculpem o post gigante, este material está no meu pc, então resolvi colar aqui sem maiores edições, infelizmente não tenho os créditos dos autores ou links originais. I am going to make 10 bottles of testosterone enanthate at 10ml per bottle. That is a total of 100ml substance and we will make it 250mg/ml For this we will use a BA/BB ratio of 2/18, meaning 2%ba and 18%bb, you really don’t “have” to have bb in this but it helps thin out the mixture and allows you to use less ba, making the shot painless and you could easily go up to 400mg/ml if you wanted to 1) Plug all variables into steroid calculator, Steroid Powder calculator Here you will put in oil ml’s=100ml Dosage is going to be 250mg/ml Leave the powder weight at .75, this works fine for most everything Ba, plug in .02(2%) BB, plug in .18(18%) This will give you the following according to the calculator -61.25ml of sterile oil (I prefer grapeseed) -25.00 grams of enanthate powder -2ml of BA -18ml of BB 2) Use a 500ml beaker and sterilize it as best as possible, not a huge deal as we will filter what we pull out of it. Take the 25.00 grams of enanthate powder and put in the beaker. 3) place the 2ml of BA and the 18ml of BB in there, this is easily measured out with a 10 or 20cc syringe. It will appear as if this isn’t enough to dissolve all the powder, but it will. 4) put a frying pan on the stove top at heat level 2 or so, I like to put some water in the pan also. Next set the beaker with ba/bb/powder in the pan and let the water/pan heat up the beaker. You will see the powder start to “melt” or dissolve and it will make a mostly clear solution. You can use a glass rod to stir and speed up this process 5) After the ba/bb has dissolved the powder, Now pour in the 61.25ml of sterile oil and leave the heat on and stir with the glass rod for a few minutes, you will have a nice clear mixture. 6) next I like to turn down the heat to 1 or so for the mixture to stay warm……filtering the mixture while warm is much easier than when its room temperature. Place your new 18g needle through the rubber stopper and into a 100ml bottle that is sterile of course. Put the .45 whatman filter on top of the needles just as in a fina conversion. 7) Use a 10ml syringe to draw out the warm oil, push the oil through the whatman filter and into the sterile glass vial. The larger the syringe you use the harder it is to push the oil through there. I usually use a 30ml syringe to draw out the oil from the beaker and then back fill the 10ml syringe and push with the 10ml syringe as its damn near impossible to push it through with a 30ml. 8)after it is all pushed through you have 100ml at 250mg/ml of a sterile and safe injectable steroid. Some like to bake to sterilize even further at this point but I for one do not find it necessary if you have sterile ingredients. I have taken literally hundreds of cc’s and never ever had a sterility issue, the ba does its job in keeping it sterile! 9)now you can draw out 10ccs at a time and fill the 10ml bottles individually to make 10 bottles There ya go, all laid out there and should be relatively easy to follow! And one single whatman filter should do 100ml very easily by drrman of course you need to check your countries laws pertaining to the use and experimentation of steroid powders ~Basskiller Water based is too easy: 1 g Winstrol powder 4 cc PEG 300/400 2 pieces of 0.45 um syringe filter 0.6 ml polysorbate 80 0.4 ml benzyl alcohol 14.25 ml distilled water Mixing vial (or your prefered breaker) 20 ml vial 20 gauge needles Syringe 5 ml Syringe 10 ml 1. Mix 14.25 ml of distilled water with 0.4 ml benzyl alcohol. 2. Pass through syringe filter into 20ml vial. 3. Put 2 ml PEG300/400 into breaker and add 0.6 ml of Polysorbate 80. 4. Add 1 g of stanozolol powder to PEG/Polysorbate 80 mix. 5. Swril and heat until solution is completely homogeneous and clear. Make sure do it until no hormone swirls, crystal or visible separation left. PEG may smoke, but it is okay, it happens every time i have done this so don't worry about the smoke. 6. Let Stanozolol liquid to cool down but not too much you want it very warm when you filter it, a PVDF filter can handle the heat. 7. Draw it into 5 ml syringe, run it through the second new syringe into the 20 ml vial containing sterile water. 8. You can still use the same syringe filter as long as the filter is completely dry, But I wouldn't use the same filter if i didn't have to. 9. Filter the PEG/Polysorbate80/Stanozol mix through the filter into the water. It will titrate back into micronized form into the water. 10. Shake it vigerously. 11. Run 2 more ml of PEG300/400 through filter to purge. If your doing more than 20 mls you have to remember that step 11 isn't just to purge you need it cause PEG with Poly 80 really helps prevent clumping Hey guys, I have 100g sustanon250 powder from a trusted source. (I have never used any of his products, but know others that have) This powder is premixed and ready to go. Here is my ratio: 400ml oil 100g powder 8ml ba 72ml bb I know that I need to put the ba, bb and powder in the beaker. Being a newbie to home brew im going to break it down. Step 1: Sterilize area, counters, stove, etc. Step2: Sterilize tools, crimpers etc. Step3: Pan and water on stove, heat Step4: Measure powder in beaker on scale Step5: Place beaker in water on stove, put in BB and BA, and stirs with glass rod. Step5A: Place oil in beaker in same pan on stove. Step6: After a few minutes you can add in the powder to the BA\BB solution, watch for it to start to break down, then add in your warm oil, this will prevent the solution from crashing later. Step7: Prepare your bottling area. Crimpers, bottles, stoppers etc. Some people like to bake the vials after washing them in alcohol; you can boil them in distilled water too, they will need to be removed with crimpers, you can place them on a sterile cookie sheet. Turn on the stove to 250 deg. Step8: turn off the heat on your pan with water, the mixture should be dissolved completely, stir the mixture. Step9: prepare your 18g pin, your 22g pin and your filters. (1 wattman filter will do 100ml) Step10: Move your sterile bottling supplies closer to your mixture area (I like to pull the bottles right out of the water with the tongs (I place 6 bottles on the cookie sheet, because I use a 60ml syringe), draw up some of your mixture in your syringe (mine is 60, so I draw 60.5 or 61), attach 18g pin and filter. Fill your 6 10ml bottles and cap immediately. Step11: repeat till you’re finished. Switch your filter at 100ml. I am making 40 bottles sust250@250mg per ml. I purchased filtered GSO, but herd that I can use stuff from costco! its much cheaper. I have wattman filters. I dont have a glass rod, what else can i stir with? How do i sterilize my bottles? It just says to boil them here in distilled water.
  9. Tranquilo meo, não me importo com opiniões e criticas construtivas, não vou me desculpar culpando minha genética e o escambau........ mas como venho postando é plenamente consciente minha caminhada, tenho bastante determinação e o minimo conhecimento pra escolhe esse caminho e aqui estou dando a cara a tapa, dividindo minha experiencia e angariando conhecimento. Obrigado por acompanhar. Treino de hoje foi duca, fiz um belo aquecimendo pro delts e mandei 10 series de clean and jerk, 3x5 de agachamento e finalizei com abd obliquo. Essa semana to bem animado, entrando na sexta semana e contando os dias pra trembo e masteron entrarem
  10. Putz, ta muito irado cara, secasso..........fico imaginando voce mantendo essa dedicação e humildade como vai estar com uns 25a. Let's go juquita. PS: teu rosto ta muito fino, como mudo do bulk, hehehehe
  11. E ae pessoar, sumi essa semana, correria do cão mas mantendo as prioridades (ciclo, dieta, treino......) o resto vamo levando. Segunda começa a sexta semana, e agora posso dize que as dorgas estão btendo legal, pump nos treinos ta insano ontem treinei biceps e triceps e foi animal, agora fala pra voces que esse negocio de aplica stan TSD ta um saco, to muito picado. Daqui a pouco vo faze o treino mais esperado da semana (oly liftings) e potencialmente lesionador, pra ilustra esse relato que ta mais blasé que a tv senado segue uma fotinha da ref que fiz agora ao acorda. Antes eu comi 200g de folha e nesse pratin tem 300g de filé, 150g de brocolis, 170g de arroz integral, vinho e chá verde, agora to comendo uma granola com aveia e leite de sobremesa.
  12. T4 é levotiroxina sódica T3 é triodotironina T2 é 3,3'-diiodothyronine TRIAC é Tiratricol, São coisas diferentes.......... No mais acompanhando aqui.
  13. Enfim sai daquela leseira que me dominava semana passada, melhorei 90% do resfriado, o já apetite voltou ao normal, fiz o rpg hj bem mais disposto que semana passada. Apliquei o stano no vasto e ta bem dolorido, me pesei hj pela manhã e to com 77 , agora fechando a quarta semana 1/4 do ciclo em média ganhei 0,5kg por semana mantendo o BF, lembrando que meu objetivo é clean bulk, estou pensando em não adequar as kcals ao aumento de peso e dessa forma ir reduzindo o BF e mantendo o peso ou ganhando muito pouco.
  14. Final de semana tirei pra me recupera da gripe, fiquei só em casa mantendo mais ou menos a dieta e nada de treinos, ja to bem melhor, as aplicações do fds foram sussa, só estorei a dieta no sabado a noite de maneira prevista pra toma um vinho e come uma pizza com a patroa, rolo uns chocolates tb, hj acordei bem retido e fiquei tomando terere o dia inteiro, putz, diurese muito intensa com esse negocio, agora a noite ja deu uma limpada no shape, num curti muito estora a dieta pq hj comi muito pouco hj, fiquei o dia todo empanturrado, tb pudera comi uma pizza inteira com direito a borda recehada e ainda umas 250g de chocolate.... Bom vo faze uma pequena ceia agora, 300g de carne vermelha, pão integral, brocolis, salada verde e uns queijos, amanha sem treinos de muscula, só um RPG pra alinha o chassis que venho fazendo a um ano. Começo da quinta semana amanhã e vamo que vamo.......
  15. O susposto OT na verdade hoje se manifesto como um resfriado, que merda, fica doente num ciclo é um pesadelo, vo fica quietinho esse fds e me cuida pra fica 100% semana que vem. Acabei de aplica enan no gluteo e stano no vasto, e pqp doeu muito a aplicação no vasto hj, foi mó estranho, enquanto a agulha tava dentro do musculo, senti algumas contrações involuntária que dava uma aflição danada, fora isso tudo tranquilo.
  16. Matheus não posso afirmar que estou em OT, talvez só o SNC um pouco desgastado, pelo sono atrapalhado, correria no trampo, mas to bem desconfortável essa semana, me sentindo muito cansado e tal, e antes que alguem fale q pode ser dorgas fake, acho impossivel com a sindrome do paudurismo que eu estou, kkkkkkk Vo durmi bem esse fds e espera melhoras, a unico coisa q me grilo foi a falta de apetite e alguma dor de cabeça.
  17. Putz, ta muito irado o shape Out, densidade muito bacana, bem diferente do ano passado.....Tu que gosta de experimenta dorgas diferentes, conhece alguem que tenha tomado melanotan2 no pré contest? Dizem que alem de bronzeado aquela porra aniquila a fome.
  18. To meio derrubado galera, omntem ate tava conversando com dois colegas aqui do forum, estou com alguns sistomas de OT, coisa que senti uma vez na vida em cutting quando estava me entupindo de stins e trabalhando a full.... Em resumo, to sentido muita dor pós treino, sempre cansado, sono leve e nada restaurador, as vezes falta de apetite......meu treino esta bem desgastante, cheio de falhas, inclusive excentricas, drop set e o escambau, descanso de 45 seg...... Não estou usando stins, apenas café ou chá verde. No mais ta indo bem o ciclo, segunda começa a quinta semna, sem colaterais preocupantes referentes as drogas.
  19. Aplica no vasto é muito melhor. Somos dois, to contando os dias pra trembo e masteron começarem.....
  20. Só apliquei no delts um dia e doeu muito, por uns 3 dias, nem consegui treinar direito, no vasto doeu bastante as proimeiras aplicações, agora não sinto mais nada.
  21. Treino de peito hoje, intensidade top demais, ja to com uma dorzinha chata, quero ve amanhã........... Hj aconteceu algo chato na academia, treino as 06:20 e daí é sempre a mesma galera, pessoal super bacana, e volta e meia alguem me zoa que to envenenando e o escambau, nem ligo, do risada e entro na brincadeira, mas hj veio um personal e fico ali me azucrinando com isso e eu na boa, dando risada mandei ele se fude, não foi algo raivoso, foi na brincadeira, mas infelizmente o cara se doeu e fico esperando eu termina meu treino pra tira satisfação, nossa q situação desconfortável, eu sou muito de boa, não tenho rolo com ninguem e o cara fico ali remoendo o fato, sorte a minha que nisso chega mais dois coroas que tb me azucrinam com isso e cortam o cara falando: "meo, tu mexeu com o cara, agora aguenta, o guri respondeu brincando, se voce não aceita nem começa......." Enfim, fiquei triste com a situação, não esperava que alguem poderia se ofender com um risonho vai se fude. Aplicações no vasto já estão indolores, incrivel como o músculo se acostuma com as picadas, hj tem enan no gluteo e stano no vasto, vamo q vamo, com o tempo vc aprende a ler mais seu corpo, semana passada eu tava com 76kgs, mas era notavel certa retenção subcutanea e intramuscular, esse fds comi bem limpo e tomei muito chá verde, deu uma desidratada no shape e hj to com 76,2 muito mais bacana que os 76 da semana passada.
  22. Depois deste big post e dessa "chamada" existe a possibilidade do não? Me diz a data que já vou providenciar as coisas por aqui, é dia 14/04 ? "é o que VOCE FAZ com o bodybuilding..é a sua pretensão maior por trás disso." como quase tudo na vida né neysão, a nossa postura perante a batalha é que nos torna vencedor do desafio. KKKK, essa da balada é bem verdade viu, até eu com meu infimo shape ja vi isso. "não vejo sentido nenhum alguem tomar esteróides se nao for competir." É, isso é bem filosófico, competir em que? em algum esporte isso seria uma trapaça? as vezes me pego pensando nisso e me desculpo......... nossa isso vai me ajuda a fecha 6 bóias a 35 off, ou salta xx pés, mas é tudo bullshit, na verdade estou me valendo do recurso ergogênico para fins estéticos, seja isto aceitável/prudente/ético de forma amplamente consciente é por isso que estou me valendo dos esteróides, mas quem sabe em 2014 eu não subo num palco, hehehe........
  23. Hoje começa a quarta semana 21º dia do ciclo, testo dando as caras (libido, irritabilidade, espinhas nas costas) nada assustador, bem controlável, stano e oxa fazendo seu lento trabalho, letrozol segurando qq possibilidade de aromatização, na próxima semana vou fazer um bateria de exames e veremos como estou em 25% do período do ciclo. Esperava um incremento maior na força e recuperação muscular mais rápida, mas continuo fadigado no pós treino, sexta treinei delts e trapézio, estou com o posterior de ombro e traps literalmente destruído, tinha pump até ontem, empedro demais.
  24. Neysão agora depois de passar por uma preparação, digo preparação não só o pré contest mas sim uma fase de pelo menos 12 meses tu poderia dizer que de alguma forma todo esse esforço mental/fisicoquimico de dietas, treinos e porque não drogas, mudaram de alguma forma sua percepção mundana? O quanto essa mudança corpórea impactou em uma mudança mental, se é que isto ocorreu? Essa semana li algo que de certa forma acredito condizer com sua caminhada "A maneira mais fácil de comprovar que a ascensão aconteceu é observar a quantidade de júbilo que há na vida de uma pessoa. O começo da ascensão se dá quando uma pessoa começa a viver a vida criando suas fantasias como uma realidade que lhe motiva." Você acha que o bodybuilding expande algumas fronteiras mentais? PS: desculpa o caráter de entrevista que o post tomou
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