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Vamos ver como ele se sai no paulistão estarei lá ou seja aki na cidade rs
Campeão brasileiro Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us depois posto mais e videos
Essas fotos são antigas quando ele foi no mundial em dubai, tem que ver as recentes igual de um ifbb pro mesmo !
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Olhem esse artigo do nasser muito revelador ! like Nasser. He lies though. Until you run on the inside circle and are privy to certain things...you'll never know what the lifestyle is really like. It's a shame when you ruin in for someone who has a positive (albeit delusional) vision of the sport. Many of these guys are train wrecks. Not all though. A good amount of these guys are on as many recs as they are AAS compounds. A particular IFBB pro advocated that my best friend use Nubain pre-contest to "chill out" and said it worked great for him. He was doing my buddy's prep. Many of these guys are so out there you have no idea. I've seen a top Olympia Competitor so high at a local show he couldn't even speak. As for Nasser not using synthol? BS: [ Q ] You mentioned in a recent radio interview that synthol is commonly used within pro bodybuilding. Now we are seeing an increasing number of non-competitive bodybuilders using this substance and most will agree that it looks unsightly. What are your thoughts on the way synthol is used among these people? A problem in bodybuilding is that onstage as a amateur or a pro or offstage as a regular guy I have realized that in a lot of cases that when people take anabolic steroids or any kind of substance like synthol, which I have seen being used but never used myself, one application too many can make the body look ridiculous. People lose perspective that this is how they look. Let us say a girl takes anabolic steroids and she gets harder, she gets more muscular and bigger and her muscles mature a little with time while she is working out and taking anabolic steroids, but from a certain point on it is one pill or one shot or one application of synthol too much and it starts looking really bad, dumb or uneven. And so I think from a certain point on it goes in the wrong direction: too much of one thing. And bodybuilders always have a tendency to think the more they take, the better they will look. The more they eat the better they will grow, the more they sleep the better they will develop and the more they take the better they will be. A lot of people take synthol if they are missing body parts. Let’s say a guy has relatively good biceps development but his triceps are missing. So then he inserts synthol, which is injected into the muscle, so his triceps muscles look bigger. But he thinks the other way, that if he trains for three or four years maybe his triceps will never catch up to his biceps so he just injects some more oil and then he will have the missing body part. But again, if you don’t have the body part already developed the only thing you create is a lump. The lump does kind of look muscular but it looks like a big piece of lump and nothing else. You see a lot of bodybuilders onstage who just have very washed out body parts. You often see shoulders and arms that look washed out but the rest of the body looks relatively hard and these washed out spots are where they put too much of the synthol. Just look at how washed out the arms are of bodybuilders whose arms are far less hard compared to other body parts – clearly a sign of excessive and regular use of synthol. I think people are doing it everywhere. I hear that people, especially black guys, put it into their calves. Black guys have very high and short calves and the only two who really have good calves are basically Vince Taylor and Paul Dillet. So these other guys put synthol or inject steroids into their calves with needles, which creates scar tissue. Then when the scar tissue builds up they inject more synthol so in the end it looks somewhat like a muscle. For sure it works in smaller body parts like the delts definitely better than in the back area and it works in the arms better than in the chest area. So a lot of people like to make improvements. Whatever it takes they will definitely try to do it. Also there is also a thing called nubain. I would say that 80 percent of people in bodybuilding, pros and amateurs, are using or have used nubain in the course of their development. I luckily never used it. I went to use it one year and had someone send me some, but it never arrived – this was at the beginning of the ’90s. It can help you to train very hard, which I learned through watching others who were using it. Basically you can inject it and you can work twice as hard. Let’s say you are working on your back and doing 20 sets in 45 minutes. You can do 50 or 60 sets and you can do these with biceps and everything else. So a lot of people who have torn muscle groups, which does happen when you over stimulate them with weights or genetically it is not that stable to begin with, but in a lot of cases excessive nubain use is creating these tears. So it is not only anabolic steroids and synthol, it is also painkillers a lot of people are using. Bodybuilding is a sport where you find a lot of drug addicts. They are former drug addicts and they have come into bodybuilding because they have always used needles and pills or they have done anabolic drugs before and they come over to bodybuilding. So there is no real borderline between being an alcoholic, a bodybuilder and a drug addict. I know people who have to go every 30 minutes when they are in public to a public restroom to inject nubain because they are nubain addicts. They start using it in the beginning to train harder and longer but they end up using it to get a kick out of it, a high. And nubain is a synthetic drug, a morphine that is basically a cousin of heroin. I talked to Chad Nichols about seven years ago and he told me that the average nubain bill for one bodybuilder in U.S. dollars is about 1600 dollars per month. I think nubain costs you way more money than synthol so I don’t think it is necessarily synthol that is the problem. Because synthol over applied makes a very un-aesthetic appearance but on the other side nubain is more dangerous because it is addictive and synthol is not. A lot of bodybuilders here in the U.S. are also using ketamine on a regular basis. They mix ketamine with nubain and take anabolic steroids, take ecstasy and cocaine and then sometimes go with this whole combo and compete with it. In most cases bodybuilders are just drug addicts – nothing more, nothing less. It’s not to put myself above them; it’s just how it is. And the main reason why people like myself don’t consume any kinds of drugs besides anabolic steroids, which I have been taking definitely, is to not become a drug addict. I sometimes have problems stopping eating certain foods when I am on my diet so what problems would I have if I took all of these drugs on top of that? I would like to preserve myself and not subject myself to drug dependency like most people do here in this country. -
Olhem shape desse cara qualidade dele, já era pra ter pego pro card mais me parese que não quis ! kavin jordan Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us chad nichols que prepara ele tenho mais fotos tem um off muito loko mesmo fica quadrado ! Fez 28 anos !
Ricardo Nort - "back In Shape 2012"
The Brutal respondeu ao tópico de ricardo nort em Fisiculturismo
Que ouve nos biceps esquerdo ? -
Sim no video ai em cima mostra quando se lesiona !
essas fotos foram do seu ultimo show em baikal que ele foi overall Pesagem em baikal Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sghOQIj46pI&feature=related
ele era nossa esperança no ac amador, estava tdo certo para competir mais não foi aconteceu algo ! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us quando der animo posto todas as recentes e videos ok
Como ele era antes Uploaded with ImageShack.us competindo nos basicos Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Fotos do show em baku ainda fibra tdo ! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Duelando com alexey shabunha ! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Nome : Cristovao Pinheiro da Silva Altura: 1,83 cms Idade: 34 competição: off-season : Braço: Peito: Coxas: Panturrilha: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Mais algumas Esse tem um shape muito fera tenho todas as fotos dele com shows ! essa fotos são sulamericano da ifbb de 2010 ele foi campeão Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Video dele novo fazendo um guest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DdILVse7cU&feature=player_embedded Treinando ombros com seu irmão e Guy Cisternono http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWANIYkYUg4&feature=player_embedded
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Isso mesmo man tem essas teorias de gh mais insulina mesmo eu estava falando outro dia com miguel chain sobre o caso, em um periodo de 4 a 6 com uso abusivo da duas você já fica Com akela pança ou seja Gh Cut proprio coleman é o exemplo proprio disso. -
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Uso continuo de insulina já ferra com a pança , ai você já empilha com dosagens altas de gh ai vai ver onde vai parar os gomos do seu abd quase no seratil rs, mais ser for diminuindo as dosagens aos poucos vai voltando como quase era antes prova disso foi um colega meu, estou falando em contest e não em off ! -
Reparem a cicatriz ele operou da gineco !
Pessoal um cara que futuro fudido é o bruno divino competiu no ac amador com essa obiad pegou 4 ou 5 lugar olhem ai Uploaded with ImageShack.us esse voçês conhecem Quincy Winklaar irmao mais novo do roelly pegou pro carde no final do anos passado olhem como ele era antes e hj. Uploaded with ImageShack.us essa de do começo de 2010 se preparando pro ac amador Uploaded with ImageShack.us essa de 2002 ou 2003 não tenho certeza olhem shapes dos dois bem parecidos olha que roelly é bem mais velho Genetica ? Uploaded with ImageShack.us essa mais recentes que dizem tem futuro ele ? obs: ele não treina com a sibil ! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Essa tem uma linha muito foda ficou 3 messes treinando com roelly e com sibil mais não deu muito certo nos videos com roelley ele é bem maior rs, sua parceria com georg farah foi melhor cara li num sit que um filho d eum sheik bilionario de bubai banca ele em tudo mesmo e sua familia tambem, espero que volte com força total esse ano he he Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us essa aki de 2008 Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
isso que venho falando como cara desses se intupiu de drogas e em curto periodo e ficou desse tamanho outra tipo de treinos que ele fazia erram umas rotinas lá branch warren, fotos e comentarios são só ilustrativas, conheço nego com grana mesmo pai empresario o cara anda de new civic e se emtope de drogas mesmo gh que é moda hojé e outras não da nem a metade do trey ! -
Sim vou postar umas fotos dele, alias começei uma discução sobre bb lá no outro topico é um pouco vinculado a esse de promessas mais falando em geral sobre o caso do bb espero que comentem lá algo a respeito do caso em si.
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Eu botava mor fé nesse mlk, tinha tudo mesmo e milhares de fans pelo mundo a fora e era muito carismatico e treinanava pesado de mais alem de ter um mega patrocinio olha que nem era pro, dizem que ganhava muito muitos que muitos pros com prestigio já, olhem que pressa de ficar grande deu e pressão do patrocinador deu acabou com sua carreira. ele ia competir no começo do ano pasado no Npc e postou seu ultimo video na Md treinando costas visivel mente estava melhor com off controlado com braços bons ai depois sumiu de novo, disse que não ia competir mais e ia ser bombeiro, depois aparecem essas fotos ai de cima ! ñ estodu falando promessas mais sim como conseguiu estragar seu corpo com abuso das drogas e Etc ! imaginem como seu corpo deveria estar em com megas dosses, pra mim deve ter acontecido algo com basta olhar sua face como envelheceu, seu abuso com Aes estava visivel um mlk de 17 anos de 85 kgs pular para 140 em um espaço de menos de dois anos inacreditavel ! -
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Vamos falar serio aki pessoal que, acham do trey brewer do auge ao fim do poço que dizem disso hehe, vamos falar dess em especial começo Uploaded with ImageShack.us trey em seu primeiro off 140kgs com 16 pra 17 para ten nationals Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us essa com 18 19 levou npc excalibur olhem tamanho dele, há relatos que ele competiu com 119 kgs Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us esses quadros abaixo resumindo um pouco Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us essas aki fikei chocado quando e muitos pela net a fora e pelo mundo ninguem e nem eu acredito olhem que fail ! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
Falando de promessas me veio a cabeça essa obaid apesar que é um pouco velho,dizem e eu acho que ele um otimo pontecial tem altura boa um otimo volume simetria boa só que acho estranho nele é sua pele é estranha que m dizem ?
Livre Discussão Sobre Técnicas/métodos/geral Sobre O Fisiculturismo.
um tópico respondeu The Brutal em Fisiculturismo
Os melhores quads e onbros são do ben já vi uma foto estava até fibrando elas coisa de loko igual seus delts, o cara é fera ! Sobre oleo em geral penso eu se for para corrigir alguma assimetria até acho valido mais caso contrario never, sobre pros e amadores uma boa parte depois que pegam pro carde perdem a linha totalmente querem ficar bY coleman ai já se esquecem que não tem uma genetica privilegiada igual a dele, exemplo disso foi dexter em 98 os braços e as pantus pareciam um lata de oleo de tão feio que tava ! -
Olhem esse aki Peter Molnar da hungria Uploaded with ImageShack.us compete com 90 kgs só
Como já disse atletas altos e negros com pantus boa só paul dillet mesmo pq do resto nenhum,quanto tem de altura ele ?