nao, NAO funciona nao
"L- Arginine Alpha-ketoglutarate (Arginine AKG, AAKG): AAKG Does not improve muscular endurance and has been found to not actually change blood pressure, which leads one to believe that if it doesn’t alter blood pressure then it probably isn’t a good vasodilator. AAKG should have Ornithine AKG (OKG) supplemented along with it for a more positive effect. AAKG alone isn’t as effective if not stacked with OKG, as both form to become precursors to NO. AAKG has been shown to positively affect peak power output and along with creatine, as well as OKG. AAKG did not influence body composition or aerobic capacity in many clinical trials.
L-Arginine (Arginine): L-Arginine is the biological precursor of nitric oxide. Take that phrase with a grain of salt. Studies in which trained men consumed 6g of arginine a day suggested that short-term arginine supplementation had no effect on nitric oxide production, lactate, and ammonia metabolism and performance in intermittent anaerobic exercise in well-trained male athletes. L-Norvaline is arginine's best friend as it inhibits the arginine destroying enzyme, arginase. As most of us have heard, supplementation with plain old L-Arginine is basically stupid. If you peruse PubMed and other internet sites, you will come to find that you need a heavy dose of Arginine to actually raise NO levels. Basically it is becoming more widely known that L-arginine supplementation WILL NOT aid in the production of nitric oxide. It will raise blood plasma levels of Arginine, but that’s it. "
nao estou dizendo q a arginina nao funciona, mas sim q arginina administrada ORALMENTE nao funciona e tem DIVERSOS artigos e pesquisasa CIENTIFICAS compovando isso
a citrulina malato eh convertida em arginina dentro do nosso organismo e como ela acaba passando pelo estomago sem sofrer quebras e depois convertida em arginina, entao ela acaba sendo eficaz tbm (doses de 8g +- )
mas atualmente a substancia mais estudada e aprovada q realmente aumenta a quantidade de NO no organismo eh o GPLC(4,5g)