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Tudo que LiquidSnake postou

  1. Você treinou bíceps no dia anterior?
  2. PqP! É foda ser frango! :(


  3. O medíocre discute pessoas.
    O comum discute fatos
    O sábio discute idéias.

    Provérbio Chinês


  4. Sofrimento (Dor Física, Resignação, paciência)
    Empenho (Promessa, compromisso)
    Desempenho (cumprir a missão - DATUM PERFICIEMUS MUNUS -, encargo)

  5. "if you start thinking now about your back, about that contraction and you get in touch with the muscle fibers mentally, things are going to start happening. If you just go in there and do the exercises its not gonna happen. Whatever genetically is strong or whatever is most comfortable for your body, that's what it's going to do. If you've got strong arms your arms are going to do the work. You've got to override everything with your mind. When it starts getting really hard at the end of the set, your body will find the easiest way to lift the weight. Unless you stop it and say "no, you're not going to do it like this". I'm a big believer in your mind, man. Once your mind gets on to something you can almost make physical changes or at least its the start of the process anyway."



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