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Tudo que Steroid postou

  1. cara eu tenho a producao de testosterona muito acima do normal , muito mesmo , isso tem 2 lados , por um lado eh bom porque ganho forca e massa muscular mantendo o percentual com mais facilidade , mas por outro eh foda , alem das espinhas ( q tb sao causadas por outros fatores ) , eu tenho muita gineco no lado esquerdo e direito e de tempos em tempos qnd essa producao fica mais alta ainda e se converte um pouco em estrongeno eu sinto uma puta sensibilidade nos mamilos q nem to sentindo esses dias e a gineco cresce ( pelo menos um pouco de MM e forca vem junto rs ) , quanto ao cilco acho que voce deveria pesquisar melhor antes de resolver tomar! O mdrol eh uma das drogas mais hepatoxicas ele eh 17aa e protecao nunca eh de mais mesmo o pessoal achando desnecessario , uma silimarina na tpc nao faria mal , pelo contrario voce so teria a ganhar , eu sou defensor dela , tamox tambem acho bom porque o mdrol mexe bom com o eixo htp diferente de outros phs como o hdrol que deriva do turina com pouca influencia no eixo. faz assim , manda o a5 e o mdrol juntos e crea durante tambem pra upar mais os ganhos de forca , e guarda ai umas 3g/dia pra associar com o NO q ja contem crea em doses menores , e vitrix ou novedext na tpc junto com tamox e silimarina!
  2. Steroid


    88% kkk , pessoal aki ta pura prescisando dumas pombinhas hein!!!!
  3. Steroid

    Thaisa Hubert

    veio que estranho , ela deve sentar e falar ai tem 2 pedra dentro da minha bunda sei la q bosta hein , mto tenso fico estranho , mas ela eh bem boa viu hehe , tem uma menina na minha sala tb que gezuz ela tem 16 minha idade mas q q eh akilo parece silicone tb e mto sem nocao , nenhuma celulite rs! pS: facil!
  4. que isso manow esses japinha e tudo espuleta parece pipoca fervendo em panela , n para no chao ta sempre pulando kk , eles tem uma puta flexibilidade e agilidade mas n tem mto tamanho , mas mto legal , bom pra participantes de parkour! Musica boa tambem pra galera que gostou se chama: GUANO APES - OPEN YOUR EYES e manjada do video do travis pastrana de moto! abracos
  5. nada tao esquecendo do triceps do stronger ai , melhor de todos os tempos @ZOAA rs @video realmente o triceps dele eh animal! o do lee tb e maneiro demais!
  6. kkk boa pedrovisky , tambem nao sou nenhum ogro , tenho 16 anos 39 de braco e 74kg ~ , quando comecei e era menor um pouco o pessoal falava q eu era doido que so fazia aquilo e ainda falam , mas agora que me destaco um pouco por ser peitudo e ter as azas grandes , fica legal hehe! mas ta sumindo isso , tb n sou muito de sair , eu sou feliz assim e nao eh a opiniao dos outros que vai mudar o meu pensamento!
  7. kk tenso! eh um genio mesmo!
  8. vlw amigo , 'e porque postei de madrugada estava lendo muita coisa muitos foruns gringos e pus aqui pois ja ia sair! abraco
  9. no seu caso pq n tenta o hdrol seria melhor!
  10. Haha mas quantas musicas ja te passei pelo msn e oce n baixa tb kk! nem vi o finalzin eu fechei aki tava tarde hehe! vo baixar aki se ja nao tiver , vlw abraco!
  11. aff vontade de te chingar , saudade das minhas epocas de whey ON , MELHOR WHEY DO MUNDO DEFINITIVAMENTE! agora voce vem reclamar de gosto pelamor , vanila melhor que tem parece um milk shake taloko , quero ver mandar um copinho com 5 claras cru , albumina saltos com agua , glicerina com vinagre ai c vai ver q q eh bom pra tosse , n reclama de barriga cheia! e pro pessoal q acha que o de chocolate eh bom , nao eh assim nao , e o mais enjoativo na minha opiniao! Se nao guenta beber , caia fora seu rato! rs zuera mas na boa tenta tomar um anvolac pra vc ver!
  12. cara o mdrol e derivado do masteron , eh uma droga forte cara talvez 4 semanas de extensao do ciclo alguns colaterais da supressao sejam maiores e os ganhos n venham tanto asism , se eu fosse voce ja que vai ciclar mesmo manda ai 2-2-2 e guarda ou vende o resto! e soh tomar muito cuidade e atencao , mandar muita agua nao de uma vez so mas sim durante ao dia que eh o essencial pra manter o figado em isotonia , e na tpc acho que vale a pena mandar uma silimarina ai 300 a 400mg durante 3 a 4 semanas junto com tamox , tamox eu faria 4 semanas num intervalo up tipo , 40/20/20/40 e ate adicionaria um novedex ai pro ciclo ficar show! Esse uso do tamox como disse pouca gente adota mas acho proveitoso , senao usa 30mg durante as 4 sem ou 40/40/30/20 e se achar desnecessario 4sem usa 40/30/20. abraco
  13. carbonete maneiro o video velho , ja que agente compartilha a conta la no youtube depois agnt pode editar os titulos dos q eu fiz e dos q vc q fez neh! mas de qlqr jeito tao todos muito bons! vlw @edit q musica eh essa?
  14. Galera achei este artigo interessante porem esta em ingles! quem quiser joga no google mas da pra manjar legal! PRO-HORMONES/DESIGNER STEROIDS. By: Judson Clemons ?J2jud? These are compounds called Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS). Don't be fooled into thinking that just because they are labeled as such, the compound is nothing less than that of an actual steroid. Some have speculated that they are separated into classes based upon their ability to bind or not to bind to androgen receptors. I on the other hand have found otherwise. William Llewellyn says "Such classification only, and upon reasonable investigation are clearly invalid." Just in case you are wondering what classifications these compounds may be speculated to fall under, I will define them according to that belief. "Pro-hormone," is a term thrown around in forums quite often and is misleading to the everyday workout enthusiast, bodybuilder, and teenager looking to gain muscle. This term gives individuals the ignorant "ok," based on its legality and label of being a pro-hormone and not steroid. When an individual succumbs to this way of thinking there can be dire consequences. This article is a compilation of my beliefs from research that are more than likely shared by many others. The purpose of my efforts in writing this is to inform and educate new users and those who might have some questions regarding pro-hormones. I hope everyone who reads this finds it of some use. FIRST TIME USERS GUIDE First time users (21 and older) of pro-hormones should not be tempted by the use of the more potent AAS. It's good to start out with a "mild" type of pro-hormone. By starting out with a mild compound, this allows individuals to get their feet wet in the world of AAS. Never stack two or more compounds on your first cycle as you are just getting started, and don't want to cause any unnecessary side-effect occurrences. I personally recommend H-Drol as the sides are very mild to nonexistent in most users. Although, some users may not experience any associated sides, this does not mean that you are in the clear. Users are still highly advised to plan for PCT and use a SERM, as you can still be shutdown. SERM is referred to as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, used to control estrogen. I will explain it's importance later on. Shutdown is the result of high amounts of exogenous hormones (testosterone) being administered, which results in your body hindering (to stop) the production of its own testosterone. This is commonly associated with testicular atrophy. Highly aromatizing androgens (or easily converted to estrogen) are going to cause this easier than non-aromatizing anabolics. Cycle Length: Cycles with methylated PHs should last no longer than 4-5 weeks at the recommended dosage. Limiting your cycle to this time period will relieve the stress being put on your liver from the methylated compounds. Temptation of running the pro-hormone past a period of 4-5 weeks should be avoided by new users, as gains are most likely to plateau around week 4.5. New users that continue to cycle past the suggested time frame should only expect side effects to heighten or become more exaggerated. Advanced users can quite possibly lengthen their methylated cycle to 6 weeks on certain compounds. This is not recommended for compounds with high toxicity risks such as Superdrol. None-methylated compounds can be cycled for 8-10 weeks without the risking liver toxicity. o Novice users: o Limit cycle length to 4-5 weeks. o Take the recommended dosage. o Advanced users can cycle up to 6 weeks. Non-Methylated Prohormones Compounds without a methyl attachment are called non-methyls. These compounds are not as effective as methylated compounds on a milligram to milligram basis. However, these compounds are very effective when dosed at the correct amount and period of time. BOLD is a good example of non-methyl that will produce amazing gains without the risk of liver stress. BOLD's effectiveness should not be underestimated as individuals can experience the same side effects as methylated pro-hormones. Since there is a low to zero chance of liver toxicity from these compounds, cycle lengths can be ran to a period of 8 weeks. There have been some individuals who go over 8 weeks and into 10 weeks, but I believe this to be considerable among users who have experience with past cycles. New users or advanced users that want a liver friendly cycle will enjoy both steady strength and muscle gains that are comparable to four week methyl cycles if ran at the appropriate dose. o EX: Non-Methylated Prohormones: o - BOLD o - Propadrol o - Furazadrol o - Tren, Trenaplex, Trenadrol PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) PCT is a used practice when coming off of a cycle of AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) to regain homeostasis of testosterone and estrogen and keep the gains of your cycle in tact. This will be the most important part of keeping gains made "on cycle." If performed improperly, you risk losing gained muscle/strength and libido (not good). A very common occurrence when PCT is neglected is the formation of breast tissue around the nipples, called "gynecomastia." The use of a SERM is the best choice for accomplishing the prevention of breast tissue in PCT. A SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) should be the foundation of your PCT. Never start a cycle before obtaining all the necessary components of your PCT, and never leave your SERM out of the equation. You don"t want to be without SERM when your cycle ends or you could run into some estrogen related sides. Adding a SERM to your PCT is the most important recovery tool that is neglected by many users and usually ends up with a bundle of problems that could have been solved with the use of a SERM. Users may want to add a Natural Testosterone booster into PCT to bring sex drive/libido up to par if need be. Cortisol Controllers are not an essential either, but many believe in their use for fighting the catabolic effects one would see in PCT. Creatine (in my belief) should be an essential part of ones PCT to keep muscle hydrated and strength levels high. Creatine is also a very useful anti-catabolic tool in PCT efforts. Dieting during PCT should be the same as "on cycle." With the newly acquired muscle there is a higher caloric intake that you must meet in order to retain new muscle mass. I cannot stress this fact enough to everyone; if you don't eat and diet properly then you will be more than likely to lose gains, fast! Aromatase Inhibitors: Aromatase Inhibitors, inhibit/stop the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. The use of over the counter AIs (Aromatase Inhibitors) are sometimes used in place of a SERM for mild cycles or when one is unavailable. Although, some are very effective at eradicating estrogen, their use should not be used in PCT as the foundation for recovery. The use of O.T.C AI's is considered by most; inefficient at accomplishing the goal of PCT and is not recommended for fully recovering from a cycle. AI's can be used during cycle to prevent gynecomastia from aromatizing androgens such as testosterone and Dianabol. Individuals using Cycles in which a mild compound is involved such as H-Drol/halodrol, an O.T.C AI + natural testosterone booster could quite possibly accomplish the task of recovering from a mild PH cycle. Even though I say this, one should always have a SERM on hand while using O.T.C. products for recovery. SERM SERMs inhibit estrogen like actions in certain tissues of the body/ regulate estrogen to a manageable level in PCT. A SERM cannot and should not be a question when dealing with anything more than the suggested "mild" pro-hormones. Aromatase Inhibitors should only be used for the suggested "mild" PH's and never for compounds which are given a characteristic that is considered more than mild. Some will tell you that taking an O.T.C type PCT is ok, where an AI such as: "Novedex-XT," is the foundation for their Superdrol cycle. This is simply not true and is very misleading. To believe an individual will fully recover with a O.T.C product like Novedex-XT is ridiculous. Here are some general PCT plans for both mild and advanced compounds: Sample PCT for mild PH cycle: o AI (6-OXO/Formestane/ATD) - Taper from max dosage week by week (4 weeks total) o Natural Testosterone Booster (Blue-Up/Alpha Drive XL) - Run throughout the beginning of PCT. o Liver care (Anabolic Innovations: Cycle Support) o **optional** Cortisol control ( SNS: Reduce-XT) o Creatine Sample PCT for Advanced PH cycle: o SERM (Nolvadex) - 40/40/20/20 - Natty Testosterone Booster - Liver Care - **optional** Cortisol Control - Creatine Liver Support (on cycle) and Options: - Anabolic Innovations: Cycle Support - SAMe - Liver Longer - **There are many more, but these seem to be the most popular. Natural Testosterone Support Options: - Anabolic Innovations: Post Cycle Support - Blue-UP - Universal Animal Stak - HumanaTEST - Testabolan - Leviathan Reloaded
  15. kkkkk , imagina se chega um ai! ehauhea
  16. puts nem tinha visto esse desculpa entao galera!
  17. haha to aqui agora tava no aniversario do meu primo foi tenso , coca cola e pao de queijo mto bom haha e de 3 hrs sem comer , fiz hj um dia do lixo mas bf ta so aumentando
  18. kkk tenso pais de terceiro mundo wins!
  19. boa em mano , cada hora vc me anima mais de mandar o mdrol , mas vo ir de hdrol mesmo so se mudar de ideia rs! o mdrol eh 17aa tambem neh? ( pergunta meio logica mas so pra ter ctz , to com sono aki eskeci rs )
  20. kkkk , eu tambem povo la saiu da italia pra vim pra ka plantar as parada depois do hitler ameaca tudo la...
  21. Atualmente ta tendo umas brigas aqui em casa rs , to incluindo algumas ideias , mostrei varios videos de bb pros meus pais , minha mae tava meio inconformada com o fato de eu querer chegar aos 100kg ou+ , algumas brigas e tal , mostrei o texto pra ela , ela curtiu ja deu uma acalmada! Show de bola!
  22. Outro video muito bom docara.
  23. CARALHO EH UM TEXTO DIGNO , o MELHOR QUE JA LI , PQP ARREPIEI TODO VEIO , PARECE QUE ALGO MAIS ta correndo nas veias aqui agora motivacao extrema!
  24. Steroid

    Volvo S60

    show mas na cidade n faz 20km/l nem fu!
  25. da moto foi cabuloso!
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