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Tudo que gLfN postou

  1. Esse toguro é meu rei
  2. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    Foco pessoal segue aqui uma motivação pro pessoal que ta em no fap DIA 6
  3. voltei das trevas 11/08 Barra fixa 4x? +5kg Remada curvada 4x10 50kg Cavalinho 4x6 50kg Knock row's 2x20 18kg encolhimento 4x10 50kg flexão ulnar 5x20 10kg 12/08 Agachamento 4x15-10-8-6 60-70-80-80kg Legpress 4x6~8 150kg afundo no smith 3xF 20kg Flexora 4x10 25kg Stiff 4x6 50kg Hoje OHP 3X6~8 20-26-26kg Desenvolvimento na maquina 2xF 40kg E.lateral inclinado 3x12 5kg Supino inclinado 4x10 36kg Supino reto halter 4x10-8-6-F(ss) 16-16-16-7kg Crucifixo inclinado 3x12 7-5-5kg Panturrilha no leg 4x10~20 150kg Gémeos em pé 2x10 20kg método ben pakulski
  4. Esse vai render uma treta
  5. Acompanhando aqui bro, sou do rs também hehe,sabe me dizer se vai ser em Caxias denovo a ifbb?
  6. Vamos falar de shape ou de barba? Quem você escolhe desta lista?
  7. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    Vou te derrubei
  8. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    MP so vir @topic 25 Reasons to do NoFap (self.NoFap) Spend lots of time engaging in other productive activities that will turn you into a much more qualified person. Quit objectifying women, start seeing them as human beings. Much higher confidence, trust and pride in self. Be a free man who wanders at will. No more a desperate slave with no control over self-fate. Start feeling these intense emotions all the time, instead of being numbed to the beautiful world around you. No more the walking dead. Much less procrastinating. Get things done on time, resulting in much higher success at work or in school. No more scared to let other people use your computer, no more fears of being caught. Burst with newfound energy. Run Forrest Run. Start - possibly for the first time since puberty - to really love yourself for who you are. The self that you always loved but unfortunately kept locked away in a self-built prison in your body, now has the opportunity to break free and come out. Grow that child into a man. You will find peace of mind in him. Much less depression. You’ll keep finding yourself feeling happy and positive for no apparent reasons, at the same situations where you used to feel worried and distressed before. This is because no matter what, you know you have given your best. Regain that long lost ability of actually falling truely, madly, deeply in love with someone. Caution! Get ready to shed some tears, because you may end up desperately thinking about that one SO, instead of getting hypnotized stupid by all that fabricated and useless, zombified novelty in porn. Grow the ability to maintain a healthy long-term relationship where you can actually be trustworthy, dependable and reliable and can deserve to receive the same treatment in return. THE ED. Inevitably caused by the PMO addiction. Need I say more? NEED I SAY MORE? After a long enough streak, you will see that people around you will start caring more about you. The reason for this is that, before NoFap, one half of you was completely missing from their sight. That one half was busy wasting himself away in a life of secrecy built on shame. He was not present. That half of you did not exist in the real world. And the other half that did exist in the real world was constantly insecure and double minded in his attitude, never being able to give his best because of the PMO addiction. Now people will start to care more about you because you will be at least twice more present in their lives. And when I say present, I mean PRESENT. INFLUENTIAL. IMPRESSIVE. Increased overall physical health, because you are keeping your sperm in your body. Read about it. You can add to that health by actively working out too you know, which you probably will, because NoFap is much harder without hitting the gym anyway. Get. In. Shape! Master your knowledge on how the plastic structure of your brain impacts your behavior. This new modern insight into neuroplasticity is an eventual and positive side effect of doing NoFap through YBOP and will have its positive impact on every aspect of your life depending on what you do with it. Be much more creative than before. You are forcing your brain to leave its biggest comfort zone. That means it has to come up with new neuron pathways to survive. Those new pathways mean new ideas. New ideas mean better creativity in whatever you are keeping your brain busy with. Innovate your life. An immense increase in willpower. One badass lion of willpower. How hard could anything be, compared to quitting PMO? No match ever. No barriers could stand a chance against you. Attention Magnetism. If you’re doing it right, you will inevitably be radiating all this positive energy wherever you go and everyone - especially ladies - will be noticing you out of nowhere. They will look at you, they will want to talk to you. It’s serious and works like a charm, but when you come to think of it, it's nothing magical really: Nature runs its course when you run yours. Piece of cake to initiate dialogues, especially after a certain point. You don’t even have to think about it. Much less self-consciousness. No more of that creepy feeling of two personalities one of which you always have to hide and makes you feel like you'd almost rather commit suicide than found out. Honest with self, honest with all. You are one and whole and complete. No, you are never complete and will never be. Always room for development, since you have the time and the energy it takes to improve yourself in any aspect. Get rid of other bad habits as well. NoFap initiates the good domino effect for your life. Be 1 in a 1,000,000. Really. In contrast; 1 reason to do PMO: Numb yourself so that you can maintain a vegetably satisfied life instead of achieving all these real traits, unlike a human but like a zombie, where, in the long run, the lack of all these traits is inevitably going to take its toll on you, quiet terribly I assure you. Now, is there even a match here? I don't want that. You know PMO is something VERY idiotic when it has the mystical power to turn off your conscious and make you blindly ignore ALL THESE VERY CRUCIAL REASONS. PMO is THAT stupid, if you know what I mean. So if there was one single medicine that would give me all those benefits above, I'd pay all I ever had to buy that. Apparently there is none, but there is NoFap. I will give all I have to do NoFap and to run from PMO, because I know I have to and there is no other way around my life. Best regards and best wishes to all Fapstronauts! Edit: I just printed this out and am totally hanging it on my bedroom wall tonight. A good reminder from my good self who wrote this to my scumbag self who won't listen.
  9. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    se eu posta uma suicide aqui derrubo vocês todos dai 4
  10. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    Dia 3
  11. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

  12. Um tapinha não doi(8)
  13. Supino reto Halter 4x10-5-5-10 16-20-20-16kg Paralelas 4x10 +6kg Crucifixo inclinado 3x12 6kg OHP 3X6 20-26-26kg Desenvolvimento maquina 3xF 20kg E.lateral 3x12 6kg Ab-wheel 4x10 HLR 4x10
  15. gLfN

    tópico do desafio

    dia 2
  16. To roliço mas ate final do ano quero ficar aesthetics, Se puder falar de pontos fortes e fracos para dar uma melhorada agradeço Analisando novamente; Da sim só secar bem Eu focaria no peito
  17. Só deus sabe. Briiinks Acho que fica so secar bem, e se puder manda foto de lado e frente para melhor avaliação seu lindo
  18. Manda mais fotos do seu shape ai rapaz, ta show por sinal
  19. Bom craw seguindo sua linha de pensamento referente ao ABC no caso para minha frequência de treino seria sequencial, dividido assim A OHP 3x5-3-1 Supino Inclinado 3x5 Supino Reto halteres 3x8 Paralelas 3x10 Crucifixo inclinado 3x12 Elevação lateral 3x12 Testa 3x6 Unilateral Pulley 2x12 B Barra fixa 4x Cavalinho 4x8 Knock row's 2x20 Chin up 3x Rosca Direta 3x6 Flexão ulnar 3x12 Encolhimento 4x10 C 4x6~8 Agachamento 4x10~12 Leg spress 3x15 Afundo no stiff 4x8~10 Flexora 4x15 Stiff Segue mesmo esquema das panturrilhas e abd no post acima; No caso no dia do sequencial, que não repete seria interessante fazer todos exercícios com uma cadencia ss(super slow) e isoladores até a falha praticamente?
  20. Craw Estou com uma duvida referente ao meu treino gostaria de sua avalição sobre ela: Foco Peito e Ombros Divisão A1:Peito/Ombro B:Costas/Trapezio C:Perna A2:Ombro/Peito D:Tríceps/Bíceps/Antebraço A1 5x6~8 paralelas(4s focada peito 1s por completa) 4x8~10 Supino Reto Halter 3x12~15 Crucifixo 30º ou inclinado 3x6~8 OHP 4x12~15 E.lateral 2x Desenvolvimento maquina pegada #2 unilateral até a falha 4x AB-wheel 2x Mountain Climbers na Paralela B 4x Barra Fixa 4x8~10 Remada Curvada 4x6~8 Cavalinho 2x15~20 knock's row's 4x10 Encolhimento 3x15 Flexão ulnar com halteres 4x gêmeos em pé C 4x6~8 Agachamento 4x10~12 Leg spress 3x15 Afundo no stiff 4x8~10 Flexora 4x15 Stiff 4x AB-wheel 2x Mountain Climbers na Paralela A2 3x6~8 OHP 4x12~15 Elevação lateral/cabo 2x Desenvolvimento maquina pegada #2 unilateral até a falha 4x6~8 Supino Reto halter 4x10~12 Supino inclinado Halter 3x12~15 Crucifixo inclinado 4x Gêmeos em pé D 4x6~8 Tríceps Pulley 3x6~8 Testa 3x12-10-F Tríceps unilateral no cross 3x Chin up 4x6~8 Rosca direta 3x10~12 scott livre 4x15 Flexão ulnar unilateral 4x AB-wheel 2x Mountain Climbers na Paralela
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