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Ciclo Feminino : Deca + Primobolan
FelipeHenrique respondeu ao tópico de Graci em Relatos de EXPERIÊNCIAS de uso (não dúvidas)
Estou acompanhando, uma duvida, um ciclo tira o efeito do anticoncepcional por isso as mulheres para de tomar? -
pode tomar, esse pre treino eh fraco
Cloma Pharma Asia Black-25 100 Caps Fat Burner
FelipeHenrique respondeu ao tópico de FelipeHenrique em Dieta e suplementação
parece qe tem 25 mg de efe e 250 cafe por dose -
acho que nao vira, poucas series tem qe ser com peso absurdo, e o risco de lesões sao altos, pois com pesos absurdos tdos roubam e se machucam
Cloma Pharma Asia Black-25 100 Caps Fat Burner
FelipeHenrique postou um tópico em Dieta e suplementação
Bom pessoal, dei uma pesquisada em alguns forums e nao encontrei nada, relato nada, algem conhece essa nova suplementação? na descrição do produto esta dizendo que eh eca stack, qe tenha efedrina cafeina e aspirina, mas dizem qe é so extrato, deem uma olhada . Details: Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pills are for people who know what they want out of an Ephedra diet pill. The Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pill consists of an ECA stack containing Ephedra, Caffeine and Aspirin, extending its massive Thermogenic power. If you want to burn calories all day long as if you were in the gym, you need to try Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pills, With Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pills you'll experience * Increased metabolism * Suppressed appetite * Increased energy * Fast weight loss Asia Black 25 works through Thermogenics. Ephedra is the most powerful Thermogenic available, which is why it stands as the undisputed king ofdiet pill ingredients. Ephedra turns up your body temperature by several degrees, causing you to burn calories like a fat-burning furnace. You'll know that Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pills are working from the first time you take it, as a warming sensation fills your core and Asia Black 25 contains a HUGE 25mg dose of ephedrine extract. This is a serious supplement for people who know what they want and know how to reach those goals. So why do you need an ECA stack, like Asia Black 25? Why not just take pure ephedra? Because as soon as the body's metabolism is altered, it attempts to regain homeostasis. The body's reaction to ephedra is to release chemicals to force the metabolism back down. Caffeine and Aspirin each combat one of the two chemicals your body releases, extending the effect of the ephedra, causing you to burn more calories for longer. But diet pills have come a long way since the ECA stack was first discovered. Ephedra might be the most powerful weight loss ingredient, but it's not the only one. In order to burn fat as quickly as possible, you need to attack your body fat from every possible angle. That's why Asia Black 25 contains Citrus Aurantium, another powerful thermogenic, Yohimbe Extract, Yerba Mate, and Green Tea, which have all been shown in independent studies to boost metabolism, and Chromium Picolinate and Vitamin B6 and B12, which have been shown essential for the utilization of fat for fuel. This precise combination of effective ingredients is what puts Asia Black 25 so far ahead of the competition. But burning calories is only part of the plan. Asia Black 25 also suppresses your appetite. More calories out plus fewer calories in equals massive fat loss. You can't help but be successful at losing weight with Asia Black 25 causing you to not even desire food. But we all know that diets can drain the life out of you, leaving you so tired and brain dead you have to drink a soda just to continue your busy day. Asia Black 25 will give you the energy support you need. You'll feel more vitalized than ever as you reach your weight loss goals. Forget about yo-yo diets Leave frustration and disappointment behind. Lose weight quickly and effectively with Asia Black 25 Ephedra Diet Pills. Supplement Facts: Serving Size: 1 Capsules Servings Per Container: 100 Amount Per Serving: Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) 500 mcg Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalmin) 1.5 mcg Chromium Picolinate 30 mcg Proprietary Blend 750 mg Caffeine USP Guarana Extract Kola Nut Extract Ephedra (Nevadensis) Citrus Aurantium (60% Synephrine) Yohimbe (6% Yohimbines) Evodia (10% evodiamine) Panax Ginseng (4% Ginsenosides) Green Tea (95% Polyphenols 40% EGCG) White Willow Bark Yerba Mate Cayenne 40M HU Ginger Root Bladderwrack L-Tyrosine N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Directions: Take one capsule daily after meals do not exceed more than 3 a day. -
Diário De Treino: Stronglifts 5X5 - Rafael Com Fotos
FelipeHenrique respondeu ao tópico de rafael.orleaes em Diário de Treino
nao entendi muito bem esse tipo de treino, mas vou acompanhar, -
Algem ja tomou asia black ? erving Size: 1 Capsules Servings Per Container: 100 Amount Per Serving: Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) 500 mcg Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalmin) 1.5 mcg Chromium Picolinate 30 mcg Proprietary Blend 750 mg Caffeine USP Guarana Extract Kola Nut Extract Ephedra (Nevadensis) Citrus Aurantium (60% Synephrine) Yohimbe (6% Yohimbines) Evodia (10% evodiamine) Panax Ginseng (4% Ginsenosides) Green Tea (95% Polyphenols 40% EGCG) White Willow Bark Yerba Mate Cayenne 40M HU Ginger Root Bladderwrack L-Tyrosine N-Acetyl L-Carnitine tem efedrina
mano mr hyde, pqe tem cafeina e vai te ajudar a perder um pko nas gordura e mander massa magra, o assault eh dificil de toma e a boca fica doce o dia tdo, faz igal eu, importa produtos sai qse gratis HSUAHSA
obrigado amigo, mas estou pensando seriamente em fazer 2-2-3 pq estou ganhando peso, como musculo mas tbm gordura, estou parecendo aqles caras gordos inchado, ja to ficando feio SHAUSHA, pesei hoje estou com 90.700, chega nos 92 kilos ja ta bom, se conseguir manter uns 87 na tpc esta otimo, vou ve se tiro algo para mostrar, vou tomar algum remedio para dor muscular se continuar vou ao medico, obrigado por acompanhar, se tiver alguma sugestão fique avontade 11º Dia (04/07/2013): Dosagem: 02 caps PH / 02 caps L- Stane (Junto com PH) Colaterais: muita dor na lombar / Pele oleosa Dieta Cumprida: Sim Peso atual: 90.700 kilos Treino Peito / Biceps - treino otimo OBS: nada de diferente, pensando em almentar a dosagem na ultima semana para 3 caps, e comecar a tpc, hoje tirei medida do biceps ja ganhei 2 cm, mas esta muito retido, perdendo definicao
que bom , pqe eu nao to aguentando a dor, ta insulportavel,
- 36 respostas
- Muscularity
- Ciclo
(e 1 mais)
10º Dia (03/07/2013): Dosagem: 02 caps PH / 02 caps L- Stane (Junto com PH) Colaterais: muita dor na lombar / Pele oleosa Dieta Cumprida: Sim - Peso atual: 90 kilos Treino Pernas / Ombros / Abdominal - treino otimo OBS: Meu peso ta instavel, um dia estou com 90 depois caio para 89 agora estou com 90.300, oque seria isso? estava pensando em mudar a dosagem para acabar mais rapido, tomar 3 cap na ultima semana