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Conquistas de AmorosoariDab

  1. Association International Fur ( IFTF ) シャネル 財布 dados mostram que a China , o Japão ea Coreia do Sul, roupas de peles e acessórios de vendas シャネル アクセサリー mais do que triplicou nos últimos 10 anos, nos 12 meses encerrados em abril 2012 aumentou 5% , para US $ 5,6 bilhões. Durante este período , as vendas globais de pele aumentou 3,3%, totalizando US $ 15,6 bilhões. "Financial Times" apontou que, apesar do crescimento econômico estagnado, プラダ バッグ トート mas a de bens de luxo desempenho de vendas desde a crise financeira relativamente bem , como a Rússia ea China economias arrivista demanda do consumidor desempenhou um papel importante . ルイヴィトン 財布 新作 Associação Internacional de Pele, disse que, além de inverno, エルメス トートバッグ designers de moda estão cada vez mais se voltando para o uso de peles na primavera e no design de roupas de verão , fazendo aumento de vendas de peles. O CEO Mark Otten ( MarkOaten , ) , a Associação Internacional de Pele, disse que , apesar da fraca economia global , mas ele acredita que as vendas de peles este ano vai continuar a subir.
  2. International Fur Association (IFTF) ゲンテン バッグ data show that China, Japan and South Korea, fur clothing and accessories sales エルメス バッグ increased more than threefold over the past 10 years, in the 12 months ended April 2012 increased by 5% to $ 5.6 billion. During this period, the global fur sales rose by 3.3% to $ 15.6 billion. "Financial Times" pointed out that despite the stagnant economic growth, ルイヴィトン バッグ but the luxury goods sales performance since the financial crisis relatively well, such as Russia and China economies upstart consumer demand played an important role. International Fur Association, said that in addition to winter, クロエ 財布 fashion designers are increasingly turning to the use of fur in the spring and summer clothing design, making fur sales increase. ルイヴィトン バッグ 人気 The CEO Mark Otten (MarkOaten,), the International Fur Association, said, despite the weak global economy, but he believes that the fur sales this year will continue to rise. International Fur Association (IFTF) data show that China, Japan and South Korea, fur clothing and accessories sales クロエ 財布 increased more than threefold over the past 10 years, in the 12 months ended April 2012 increased by 5% to $ 5.6 billion. During this period, the global fur sales rose by 3.3% to $ 15.6 billion. "Financial Times" シャネル バッグ 新作 pointed out that despite the stagnant economic growth, コーチ 財布 but the luxury goods sales performance since the financial crisis relatively well, such as Russia and China economies upstart consumer demand played an important role. gucci 長財布 International Fur Association, said that in addition to winter, ゲンテン バッグ fashion designers are increasingly turning to the use of fur in the spring and summer clothing design, making fur sales increase. gucci 財布 The CEO Mark Otten (MarkOaten,), the International Fur Association, said, despite the weak global economy, but he believes プラダ メンズ that the fur sales this year will continue to rise.
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